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RE: Daily Battles With the Procrastination Devil!

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

Some people suggest that procrastination is actually a product of childhood trauma, while others suggest that it is a byproduct of depression. Yet others suggest that if you find yourself procrastinating — and repeatedly so — it's most likely a manifestation of the fact that you're doing something that you dislike and/or are resentful of having to do.

May I add one more important and additional "trait" to these theories that could lead to a better diagnosis of your mysterious and inexplicable procrastination?

Well mate, I suspect that what contributes the most to your problem (or disorder) of procrastination. It's that you are a perfectionist. But I still have to investigate a bit more if it is "perfectionism" alone which is the responsible and whole culprit of your disorder or if it's some sort of mixture of it with all the other ingredients of the other diagnosticians. ;o)