 3 years ago  

It was so much fun and a great experience.Thank you so much @smithykins 😊

I hope I didn't do something wrong. What is down voting? My apologies if I have offended or made a mistake. If it's just disagreement that's perfectly fine. Just don't want to do anything wrong.

 3 years ago  

Sorry @smithykins, I don’t understand what you mean? I don’t see it on my post. Did you mean to post this somewhere else?

Downvoting is voting with negative. So you dislike something…

Oh, thank you. Not sure where I'm putting things. Very new to this and keep getting things wrong. Thank you for explaining. I'll look again and perhaps re post it.

 3 years ago  

You are welcome, have a look where you think it went wrong. You can change your downvotes into normal votes…
I know it wasn’t on anything from me. You can see your comments and replies from others in your profile.