Mama Crow and the little crow

Hello, friends.

I realized today that I haven't written anything about our feathered friends for a long time. That's how time flies.
I don't even understand why I haven't written about them for a long time. And I love the company of Ffeathered Friends so much.
There are a lot of interesting people in this community and a lot of interesting photos of our winged feathered friends - birds.

So. Do you remember, friends, I showed a crow that often comes to visit me? You can even say that the crow almost lives on my site. Last year, she taught her two children to fly on our site. And so she came with her grown-up child.


The evening before, I mowed the grass on the plot and had not yet managed to remove it. To be more precise, my wife and I had a small dispute about the place of storing grass, so I did not clean up this grass.
I have noticed for a long time that after mowing the grass, birds come to my lawn. They start looking for bugs, worms on the grass.
So this time a crow was walking briskly on the grass, and her little crow was walking behind her. It was already big enough! And I thought that there would be 2 of them.
I will say right away, after a couple of hours, 3 crows actually walked on the lawn.


The crow was walking very fast in the clearing. She sometimes looked under the bushes, looked for something under a pear tree. And her child was walking on the other side of the lawn, but then very quickly ran to her mother.


Interestingly, they never flapped their wings, never tried to fly. I got the feeling that they came to visit on foot, and did not fly through the sky.
She walks like a ballerina on her thin legs. The very grace and harmony.


Look how important she stands and seems to be looking in my direction. And I'm standing in the kitchen by the window and shooting at her with a camera.
She stands as if her hands are stuck in her pockets and her feet are placed on the width of her legs. She's challenging me!



What are they discussing, standing under a pear tree? What is so interesting to tell each other? Maybe the mother is telling her son something. Or maybe it's her daughter? She tells you how to get food correctly. By the way, the crow went and tasted something all the time.



Pears, pears. They are gaining strength, gaining size and mass. About another month and a half and they will be juicy and delicious.

Mama crow is the very calmness and equanimity.


After the discussion under the tree, the crows came very close to the window, and then quickly went to the left, and there I could no longer photograph them. I was prevented from photographing their various objects in the yard.






It turns out that the crows made a circle around the lawn and then also went behind the tree with their feet.
Then I went outside and a little crow was sitting on a tree and shouting, and a big crow was sitting on the roof of the farmyard. The crow got scared, cawed at me and flew away towards the forest. And the raven boy was left shouting from the tree.


I add my beloved Feathered Friends community as a 5% beneficiary of the post.

I add my beloved @archon community as a 5% beneficiary of the post.


Thanks for reading...

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Good luck and have fun


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 64 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Ох, с ними осторожно надо быть. Могут и напасть, да еще и злопамятные.
Я помню они в меня кидались каким-то палками)))

Это очень умные птицы!
Не, мы их на участке не гоняем.
Раньше они у собаки остатки каши старались украсть из миски. Я уже рассказывал здесь как мамка деток учила это делать.
Но сейчас собака съедает всё полностью. И я сегодня утром видел, что ворона прыгала у миски, а собака на неё не реагировала. сил у неё мало сейчас.