The Caspian gull Larus cachinnans Racek Bělohlavý

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Dříve se tito rackové jmenovali jednoduše Racek stříbřitý ale jak věda pokročila tak z nich udělali tři druhy a od té doby je těžké se v nich vyznat. Tato fotografie je z vodního díla Gabčíkovo na Dunaji a racek je snad určen dobře. A kdyby ne tak je to prostě Racek stříbřitý.

In the past, these gulls were simply called the Herring Gull, but as science progressed, they made them three species, and since then it is difficult to know them. This photo is from the Gabčíkovo waterworks on the Danube and the seagull is perhaps well determined. And if not, it's just the Herring Gull.



11.1.2020 Danube, Slovakia


A very beautiful bird is flying, a picture of flying bird is so nice, I wish to fly like a bird in the sky in spring season to look the beautiful scenes of natural beauty.