A Feathered Friends Exclusive
Round #78 Free Theam
Welcome to @featheredfriends and My Entry for #SMaP Show Me A Photo Contest by @nelinoeva and @melinda010100

Low shutter speed, ISO locked at 100, focus set at one shot not AI servo, the list goes on. lol
Away we go !

Shot #2 was just the flower bud as Hummingbirds tend to move about quite suddenlyand keeping them in frame at 600 mm is a bit tricky.

I want it in frame with that big red Dahlia ..... oh yeah and in focus would be nice as well.

Round #78 My Entry for the #SMaP Show Me A Photo Contest

I did reset my camera for high speed but it's a public garden and there are more than a few families here with lots of little kids running around
so the Humming birds moved off shortly after this and I reset for nice slow moving flowers again.
Tomorrow I'll be back in the backyard showing off some new Feathered Friends that have been showing up the last couple weeks.
Untill then......
Buzz on over to the #featheredfriends community and join @melinda010100 @nelinoeva @barbara-orenya and the rest of the gang at #featheredfrinds for all your feathered odds and ends.

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Good luck 🤞🏻So difficult to get a good shot of them. Especially when you are not set up for a quick encounter. Good tries @chromiumone 😁😎 great entry!
Wow! Even when you are not set up for hummingbird photos you still take awesome hummingbird photos! That red Dahlia is stunning. No wonder that little Hummer was attracted to it.
Thank you so very very much for the support that you have given to The Feathered Friends Community. We all are grateful and a bit in awe of your incredibly generous donation.
I'm going through 100s of flower images right now trying to decide wich ones to uses lolA little sneek peek for ya @melinda010100 O.o
How's Shadow Hunter's doing ?? been meaning to check that out here soon as well.
Well back to the flowers as that post isn't going to write itself. lolAlso your very welcome for the support, I played it out on the Master contest post like I did in hopes that others would be inspired to Donate to,Delegate to, or make a Beneficiary of @featheredfriends =)
Because of your very generous donation Feathered Friends has a solid Prize Fund! Shadow Hunters has had to give up on giving out Hive prizes. We have finally built our funds up to where we are able to give out Hive for the reflection contest, but we are only giving out Ecency points for the shadow contest. Many of the people who enter the shadow contest are new users and they don't have much to give to support the community. But they seem happy winning Points each week!
@chromiumone Wow. A hummingbird - thats awesome. Great that you managed to get the freeze even at low shutter speeds - the one before the hummingbird pivoted is fantastic.
There are a bunch of Hummingbirds moving through that garden, I'll have to go back there in the early morning loaded for speed with no people tromping around,
The one before the pivot is the only one that I captured mostly in focus, if my shutter speed was up over a 1000 and I had the fucus on servo I could have nailed a great little burst insted of one mostly OK image.
Thanks for dropping in =) Also WOW! @vm2904 you had some awesome shots in your last post.... Loved them all but the Kingfisher and the Owl ...... NICE !!!
What I find weird is that the background is black on some of the photos. Why it is black?
I'm shooting with my ISO locked at it's lowest setting/speed( 100) and running a higher shutter speed, only 200 th of a sec in this instance. Low ISO and High Shutter speed limit the amount of light that makes it to the sensor. I was shooting aginst a darker background that was in shadow so the sensor didn't capture any light from the background. If I crank up the Shutter speed high enough It will even turn a white, lighted background black.
Here"s one I shot with low ISO (100) and high shutter speed (over 1000) with an external high speed flash.

This moth is on the glass door going into a store I used to run, the floor is white and very brightly lit by floresent lights.
Thank you for the detailed explanation. This is good to know. Currently I am not really familiar with photography. Nowadays I take photos with my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy A12). I can manually set the ISO value, but not the shutter speed.
Ha, the hummingbird suprised you. 😉

It is rather challenging, isn't it? When you are prepared to shoot flowers and the bird just pop up in front of you.
Bloody hard to catch the hummingbird. It is impressive how quickly you managed to focus and get it.
i was focus on the flower when it buzzed right over my shoulder, starteled me a little it was so close to my ear. lol
Went back this morning set up for them, just about to download the images now.... we'll see O.o how it went.
Only had the garden to myself for a little wile then.... People.... Kids...... then the Gardner started mowing the grass areas.... time to move on.Thanks @nelinoeva
Wow... a humming bird! AWESOME!!
I actually like the blur of the wings like in #3. Kind of an artistic touch that accentuates motion.
I got a lot of those accentuated motion shots lol 4 out of 5 Hummongbird shots seem to be just that =)Hey @old-guy-photos