I'm shooting with my ISO locked at it's lowest setting/speed( 100) and running a higher shutter speed, only 200 th of a sec in this instance. Low ISO and High Shutter speed limit the amount of light that makes it to the sensor. I was shooting aginst a darker background that was in shadow so the sensor didn't capture any light from the background. If I crank up the Shutter speed high enough It will even turn a white, lighted background black.
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Here"s one I shot with low ISO (100) and high shutter speed (over 1000) with an external high speed flash.

This moth is on the glass door going into a store I used to run, the floor is white and very brightly lit by floresent lights.
Thank you for the detailed explanation. This is good to know. Currently I am not really familiar with photography. Nowadays I take photos with my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy A12). I can manually set the ISO value, but not the shutter speed.