Heyyyyy thanks for watching allllll the videos!
There must be some core body language similarities between all birds for you to know that the head-peck was coming. Tiny little tantrum. The last time Bo pecked my actual unprotected scalp was over a year ago. I made it very clear I didn't like that. Hopefully it's not coming back around like a seasonal thing.
That video of Lorena in distress was so sad.
Isn't it? Each time I watch it I cry for her. I miss that baby STILL. But they get to try again very soon.
Crows seem to be so much more willing to be friends. My chickens have very little interest in socializing with us humans. It really makes me want to get to know some local crows. Unfortunately they don't hang out in my parts.
Crows might be smarter than your chickens and therefore more curious about humans and waiting to meet youin some nearby parks, but if you don't find any there, maybe you have some other corvids around, like jays or jackdaws?
I think the closest thing to a crow I have readily available is one of those sharp-eyed grackles. But getting to know one of them will require me to hang out in the Walmart parking lot frequently.
I am officially undecided.
Additional cons include hanging out in a Walmart parking lot.
Stories could be pretty good, though.
I agree on both points:)