
Oh, I hope he will be okay. No, I'm sure everything will be fine with him!

I hope so too. I think young creatures heal quickly.

My son and I rescued an eagle owl on Saturday night too. NO Vet was willing to see the bird, I wish our country had the same facilities as yours. After three days with a broken wing we finally found a rescue and care center for birds and reptiles and dropped him off there this morning.
I wrote about it on Sunday I guess.
He is a fledgling too.

I hope and pray that these two make it.
I hope these two Here is the link if you are interested.. I don't mean to spam

Not spamming at all! Thank you for sharing. I’ll check it out now.

Thank you, I don't like the idea of leaving link on other's blogs. I appreciate this very much.

I am so glad that you were able to rescue this little guy! Thank you.

I'm glad, too. It's one of those things where I don't even think about it, just do it. I would leave work for something like this and make up some kind of family emergency!