Thanks for your support at first!
There are many more birds there, but I have to admit I didn't focus myself on bird photography that much.
I regret that now as you can capture many interesting things following birds...
Reason to revisit :)
Thanks for your support at first!
There are many more birds there, but I have to admit I didn't focus myself on bird photography that much.
I regret that now as you can capture many interesting things following birds...
Reason to revisit :)
Bird photography is addictive, challenging and rewarding, so much in nature to learn about.
I have tried to identify what you have seen and the African Openbill not one I have ever seen, happy hunting in the future if you start enjoying bird photography!
Ohhh come on...
That is impressive!
I was there, I took the photos, but I only know African Fish Eagle...
Truly amazing knowledge and thank you for sharing it.
I live over on the East Coast, the Fish Eagle is a regular visitor in our area.
Knowledge about birds is super addictive, the region you have ventured to is one I would dearly love to see.
As I said, great to see how much you guys know about birds and you really love them...
I will pay more attention from now on to the birds all over the World.