Going south all the way to Namibia...

Hi there hivean and feathered friends…

I had to make another post to this lovey community as my cute fellows Puffins were accepted so nice here. I was north with Puffins and as winter is coming slowly here in Europe some birds fly away to Africa. They know how beautiful continent that is. I was privileged to visit it three times and today will share some bird photography from my Namibia (and vicinity) travel back from 2015. It can be that I make some of the shots below exactly on that day 5 years ago; nice anniversary which I will celebrate with you.

Enjoy in photos with some comments below.
Thank you for all the support as always and HIVE ON!

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Noble feathered friend

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Sunbathing, even though there was no sun

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A lot of cleaning - elephants are big animals...

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Traffic jam...

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Where am I?

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Friend is coming over for breakfast and he loves butter

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He is looking proud and that suits him

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Better run...

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Just fishing...


Amazing photos! My favourite has to be the bird perched on the butter, very cute. Africa is a beautiful place, currently in South Africa at the moment but plan on exploring more when time allows! 😀
Happy Hiving!

Same with me. Tops is the butter loving bird. A close runner-up is the traffic jam photo. Great!

Thanks for your engagement on this post.

I don't eat butter, so I left it to the cute bird :)
Traffic jam was funny :) They didn't want to go away that easy so we had to drive behind them for a while. After all, it is their territory - right?

I love butter so I might have had to share it with the cute bird if I were there :) Yup, it's their territory. You have to follow their rules. You know how it goes: "When in Rome, do as the Romans."


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Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Thank you for stoping by...

I have to admit that bird who joined us for breakfast is my favourite photography as well.

Being in South Africa gives you great opportunity to explore neighbour countries. I wish, I could go back there right now, but I am sure that day will come in the future...

Manually curated by ackhoo from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

I am happy to see you around my blog again :)Thank you @ackhoo!

Oh. I am jealous.

Haha, don't be as birds are waiting for you in Namibia :)


Brilliant photos

Thank you very much for your support.
I am glad you like my work and I will try my best to keep it up :)

OMG those are some amazing pictures!! Love your traffic jam it's a hoot, my favorite is your eagle picture, he is on the hunt for a snake, they are some awesome birds.

Thank you. It means a lot hearing such a nice comments :)
Eagle is really majestic creature and great find in the nature.

What a great variety of interesting and beautiful birds! Wonderful photos!👍

I just captured what nature has to offer.
Thanks to Mother Nature...

Brilliant selection of many birds seen in Namibia, wet season brought everyone to town by to look of it. Most think Namibia is barren, then super surprised to learn how much wildlife lives in this region.

Thanks for sharing your memories @crazy-andy


Thanks for your support at first!

There are many more birds there, but I have to admit I didn't focus myself on bird photography that much.
I regret that now as you can capture many interesting things following birds...

Reason to revisit :)

Bird photography is addictive, challenging and rewarding, so much in nature to learn about.

  1. African Fish Eagle with Blacksmith lapwing behind.
  2. Red-billed hornbill
  3. Either Lapped-face vulture or Cape vulture
  4. Helmeted guineafowl
  5. Looks like Water thick-knee
  6. Looks like Eastern golden weaver
  7. African fish eagle
  8. Sacred ibis
  9. The African Openbill

I have tried to identify what you have seen and the African Openbill not one I have ever seen, happy hunting in the future if you start enjoying bird photography!

Ohhh come on...
That is impressive!

I was there, I took the photos, but I only know African Fish Eagle...

Truly amazing knowledge and thank you for sharing it.

I live over on the East Coast, the Fish Eagle is a regular visitor in our area.

Knowledge about birds is super addictive, the region you have ventured to is one I would dearly love to see.

As I said, great to see how much you guys know about birds and you really love them...

I will pay more attention from now on to the birds all over the World.

Revel In Revealing Rapturous Nature@joanstewart wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @joanstewart if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @crazy-andy! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @joanstewart!

Wonderful photos! That is a great selection of wonderful birds!

!tip Thanks for posting to the #featheredfriends community!

Thank you for your support.
I am really happy that there is so many feathered friends... You can expect my contribution to this community in the future as well.

I am impressed with knowledge you members have.

I'm impressed, too, and have learned so much here! There are so many amazing birds in our world!

Ladies Of Hive And Archon! @melinda010100 wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @melinda010100 if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @crazy-andy! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @melinda010100!

Nice shots the Eagles are the best love them 👍


I noticed and I am very grateful for that!

Keep up your great work and remain such a good friends of feather...

Great show of birds the 2nd photo never seen one of those birds but the Eagles they are just a majectic bird 👍

Ohhh Africa offers so many diverse wildlife, birds included. You really see animals, you don't even know they exist there.
Awesome place to be...

I have seen and heard so much about this place i really need to get there some day 🙂