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RE: An expectant crowd.

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

That is fascinating! A dove can swallow a whole peanut, shell, and all? I ask you, where is the enjoyment in that? :))

I think we can learn a lot from animals if we could only speak their language. Seems like they have found their ways around each other, keeping harmony for the most part since they began walking this earth.

Great pictures and they almost tell the whole story!


Apologies for the late reply milady, I am bit under the weather lately.

The dove only swallows the peanut whole to prevent the other doves crowding around from grabbing it. They all do that.

I totally agree that there can be harmony amongst all in this world, but in our pride that's the one lesson from mother nature that we simply refuse to learn. Each of us think that we are better than others, as that is what the world teaches.

Have some !PIZZA



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That is too bad in my opinion and such a simple lesson! Apologies are not needed. Look how late I am!

Thank you Lady Denise and yes it is a very dad story.
Yesterday they had us running around to find a family trauma councelor, as a mother was stabbed by her boyfriend in front of her three little children, Thankfully the lady was treated at a hospital and the boyfriend has disappeared, but they are all severly traumatized.
The professionals here ask R1000 per hour, that we simply cannot afford, but we were led to a great Christian couple at the Rape Crisis Center, that partners with Papillon and they are taking care of the family for free. Amazing Grace.
Such is life here.

Cheers and !BEER