SMAP 196 -Turning Colored to Black and White

in Feathered Friends3 months ago (edited)

here. Read up and join us in the fun, if you still haven't.Hello Feathered Friends Community. Let's welcome Round 196 of Show Me A Photo or SMAP Contest hosted by @nelinoeva. Check out the contest post

The theme for this week is:


Last week the theme for SMAP was EDITS. I am glad and thankful for that theme because it made me experiment on the editing features of my phone which before were confined to making close ups or macros of photos and enhancing the lightings. So now, with the theme Black and White, I do not have any actual photos because my cell phone only can take colored photos. Or so I thought. I found out again there's another editing feature in my phone that can make your colored photos actually black and white! And so I hurriedly went through my archives, chose some nice photos and converted them to black and white. Here they are.



This is the Yellow vented Bulbul, my favorite avian model. She's not shy and does not fly away when I go near and take its photos. These photos were originally colored but now are monochrome due to the technological wonder of cell phones. Amazing.

For my entry, the photo below is submitted.


All for now. With less than 8 hours before post payout I just hope make the deadline. Have a blessed Sunday everyone!

(All photos are mine. )


The photos turned very nice in black and white. 🙂
Thank you very much for joining again.

My pleasure ☺️

My pleasure ☺️