In this sighting we found three beautiful species [Esp/Eng].

in Feathered Friends2 months ago
Como están los apasionados de esta maravillosa ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  Muy feliz de estar aquí compartiendo algunas tomas hermosas de las aves que nos han visitado en el transcurso de la semana; Esta ha sido de esas semanas lluviosas con días grises y no es lo ideal para hacer hermosas tomas

Source: Family Álbum

How are you passionate about this wonderful ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  Very happy to be here sharing some beautiful shots of the birds that have visited us during the week; This has been one of those rainy weeks with gray days and it is not ideal to take beautiful shots

Es increíble que después de dos semanas de ausencia haya regresado esta preciosa ave; el ¨mosquero-cardenal¨ : es un ave que por su comportamiento me desconcierta, por su apariciones y desapariciones me hace suponer que es un ave que vive en una jaula y cuando lo suelta nos visita, lo desconcertante es que al parecer no está acostumbrado a las personas, dado que al acercarme levanta vuelo y se va de casa

Source: Family Álbum

It is incredible that after two weeks of absence this beautiful bird has returned; ¨flycatcher-cardinal¨ :  is a bird that puzzles me because of its behavior, its appearances and disappearances make me assume that it is a bird that lives in a cage and when it is released it visits us, the disconcerting thing is that it apparently is not used to people, since when I get close to it it takes flight and leaves home

En gran medida es la explicación del porque estas tomas salieron como salieron, ya que no me podía acercar a la pequeña ave, ella estaba muy lejos de donde estaba y por más que hice acercamiento es lo mejor que he podido lograr. Algo muy diferente suceden con los ¨chogüí¨:  ellos son cien % aves silvestres, pero están tan acostumbrados a nuestra presencia que no tenemos problemas para hacerles una sesión de fotografía. Es una pena que haya sido un día nublado, con la presencia del ¨sol¨ estas tomas hubieran salido muy diferente

Source: Family Álbum

To a large extent this is the explanation of why these shots came out the way they did, since I could not get close to the little bird, it was very far from where I was and no matter how much I zoomed in it is the best I could achieve. Something very different happens with the ¨chogüí¨:  they are 100% wild birds, but they are so used to our presence that we have no problem taking a photo session with them. It is a shame that it was a cloudy day, with the presence of the ¨sun¨ these shots would have come out very different

Creo que todos estarán de acuerdo con esta afirmación, que los ¨gorriones¨ :  son las aves que más acostumbradas están a nuestras presencias, y para ser honesto disfruto mucho que así lo sea. Lo que me llama la atención de ellos es su comportamiento, cuando se encuentran en las hierbas se los pueden ver en bandadas, pero cuando se posan en los árboles, siempre lo vemos solos, o muy de vez en cuando acompañado de su pareja

Source: Family Álbum

I think everyone will agree with this statement, that the ¨sparrows¨ :  are the birds that are most accustomed to our presence, and to be honest I really enjoy that it is so. What calls my attention about them is their behavior, when they are in the grass you can see them in flocks, but when they perch in the trees, we always see them alone, or very occasionally accompanied by their partner

¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨: y ver de qué se trata o cuales son las pautas a cumplir A pesar de que ha llovido gran parte de la semana, me encanto este avistamiento ya que dimos con tres especies hermosas de aves. Que genial idea a tenido nuestra amiga @nelinoeva para la consigna semanal, si ingresas al link podrás comprobarlo

Source: Family Álbum

¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨: and see what it is about or what the guidelines are to follow Although it has rained most of the week, I loved this sighting because we found three beautiful species of birds. What a great idea our friend @nelinoeva had for the weekly assignment, if you enter the link you can check it out


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Wow, you really have discovered some lovely birds my friend. I love that little orange bird sitting on the edge of a branch looks like fruit instead of a bird.
Beautiful photography!

The musketeer is a beautiful bird, the colors of its feathers are very striking
Yes, that branch is ideal for birds to perch
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support that you give me
Have a lovely dayGood morning dear friend @untilwelearn how are you?

Me fascina el color del cardenal, es intenso y llamativo, me encanta!! Que bueno que aunque a distancia lograste capturarlo. Que tengas un grandioso día!😃

la combinación de colores de las plumas del pequeño cardenal es realmente hermoso, y es tan inquieto que cuesta mucho fotografiarlos

que pases un hermoso dia Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing por apreciar mis fotografias

Igualmente para vos!

What beautiful birds, especially the little red ones. Beautiful photographs.

I am grateful to see beautiful birds every day, and if I agree with you, this little bird is really beautiful.

The three species you showed me have an amazing appearance. The photography results are quite good.How are you today my brother and I hope all the best always remains for you.

Everything is fine here, thanks for asking
This week we saw three beautiful species of birds, the cardinal has a beautiful color
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs
Have a great dayHello dear friend @mnurhiver good day

You're welcome my brother. Thanks to you too.👍❤️❤️🙏🤝

Es fascinante como estas aves pueden generar tanto misterio con su comportamiento.
Tal vez el "mosquero-cardenal" realmente tenga algún dueño que lo suelta de vez en cuando, o quizás simplemente sea un ave muy cautelosa.


Los avistamiento de aves son muy entretenidos, aprendes mucho del comportamiento de cada especie
Me inclino por la segunda opcion, es una ave muy cautelosa

Que pases una excelente mañana Muchas gracias querido amigo @edgerik por todo el apoyo que siempre me brindas

@edgerik likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(28/50)@jlufer! to your account on behalf of @edgerik.

(html comment removed: )

Some interesting birds love the little orange one

Made in Canva
!ALIVE Have the best day @jlufer

- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

I appreciate with all my heart the great support you always give me, you are very kind
Have a beautiful morningHow are you dear friend @benthomaswwd good morning

It is true that sparrows are very much accustomed to humans. They are sweet little ones.🙂
Thank you again for your delightful post and entry.

Sparrows are really beautiful and very close to us
Thank you very much for appreciating and supporting my post
Have a beautiful dayGood morning dear friend @nelinoeva