We are waiting for you ¨Show Me A Photo Contest Round 187¨ (Es-Eng)

in Feathered Friends7 days ago
Que alegría estar nuevamente en esta genial ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  Para hablarles de esta hermosa ¨paloma¨torcaz¨ :  Esta es una de las primeras aves que comenzaron a visitar mi casa, al principio llegaron tentadas por el huerto, después se quedaron por la comodidad que sienten al estar en la copa del gran árbol, cuando llegaron lo hicieron en pareja, y últimamente no la veo acompañada

Source: Family Álbum

What a joy to be back in this great ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  To tell you about this beautiful ¨pigeon¨torcaz¨ :  This is one of the first birds that began to visit my house, at first they came tempted by the orchard, then they stayed because of the comfort they feel being in the top of the big tree, when they arrived they did it in pairs, and lately I do not see it accompanied

Es posible que haya perdido a su pareja, y quizás sea la razón de verla gran parte del día, esta merodeando los lugares a donde acudía en pareja. Hoy al verla me hizo sonreír, dado que al ser descubierta estiro el cuello de una manera graciosa, lo que me recordó que está vigente este nuevo ¨FeatheredFriends¨ ¨ShowMeAPhotoContestRound 187¨ : 

You may have lost your partner, and that may be the reason you see her most of the day, she's hanging around the places you used to go to as a couple. Today, seeing her made me smile, since when she was discovered she stretched her neck in a funny way, which reminded me that this new ¨FeatheredFriends¨ ¨ShowMeAPhotoContestRound 187¨ : 


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


I like the bird picture above and I think it's pretty good photography.Greetings to you my brother. ❤️🍻🤝

Thank you very much dear friend @mnurhiver for appreciating my photography, you are very kind. Have a great day.

#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Greetings dear friend, pigeons are very beautiful, in Cuba we have several species, my preference is for a pigeon called white head. Very interesting your post, thank you

Good morning dear friend @MuhammadHalim
It's great that you can count on several species of pigeons there.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
Have a great day

the dove's style is very graceful