
@eolianpariah & @melinda010100 ~ On the Hive blockchain (and on Steem, previously) all users are given a MASTER PASSWORD from which the Keys are derived. The MASTER PASSWORD is complex, like a Key, but is different as it has no "Public -vs- Private" pairing as the Keys do. The four keys that are derived from the MASTER PASSWORD are the OWNER KEY, the ACTIVE KEY, the POSTING KEY, and the MEMO KEY.

If you changed your MASTER PASSWORD, then yes, your KEYS changed, too, and you should reveal them and write them in a secure location! Not doing this might cause you to lose access to your account! You should NOT be using your MASTER PASSWORD for everyday logins; use your Posting Key for that! And only enter your Active Key, when prompted, for financial transactions!

Who suggested you change this, and where did you go to make the change? The answer to that last question is important for knowing the current state of your account!

I believe if you receive a new account it comes with keys that have been assigned to the person who gave you the account. I have 80 accounts that I can give to new users, but I would tell them to change their keys, otherwise I would have seen what their keys are. I would think the same would hold true with Ecency or OCD or whoever is gifting you an account?

Yes, very possibly so! Most of the time, I use a service that doesn't allow me to see the keys, but they're given directly to the person I am on-boarding. A couple of times, I was given the keys, as well, though, same as you! 🙂

!ENGAGE 50Changing the keys AND password 😊 is a great security precaution. I am glad that @eolianpariah did that. Especially as I see how quickly his account is growing!

@eolianpariah should double-check that he has all of his keys copied and secured, preferably on a thumb-drive or in a Password Manager app. He can verify his keys on HIVE.BLOG with the following steps shown:


OR, using PEAKD intead:


Again thanks so much! @thekittygirl You have devoted a lot of time explaining various things to me today! 😘 And I successfully got my DOGE transfered, too!

thanks a lot @the kitty girl. i will check that out. i was recommended at the beginning to change my password by the standard info given when i started ecency. i changed the password on my page with blog, communities, and wallet. under settings where i made my profile there is a change password button and on that button is an image of a key. the password was generated automatically, not something i made up.

In another comment on this post, I shared screenshots from both HIVE.BLOG and PEAKD (two other ways of viewing the Hive blockchain besides via ECENCY). Both of those sites will allow you to see all of your Keys (Owner, Active, Posting, and Memo). I would advise doing that and save them to a thumb-drive or a Password Manager app. Just having your Master Password is NOT enough, as you might need one of those other keys in the future! Better to be safe now than sorry later! 🙂

click here to see the comment with the screenshots:

@good-karma I believe this is where the confusing wording was at.

thanks @melinda010100. sorry to drag you into this. it's a bit mind boggling

I appreciate that you asked. I learned new things too, and hopefully anyone else who reads this will understand more, too!

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