It is Feathered Friday today and I have prepaed some photos that I made recently.
Common redstart
I found the common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) only at my workplace and never in the town where I live. Always at the same place, either on a grass patch in front of the factory or a bit closer to the warehouse, where my office is. Almost every day in the last weeks I see one or two of them on my way to the bus. If I have few minutes left I could be lucky to have some shots. Sometimes I am too slow and birds did not wait for me to take the camera out of the bag. But yesterday the redstart stopped on top of the pallets and did not budge, giving me time to pick the camera and make few photos.
It is so tiny that you may not see it.
White Wagtail
The white wagtail (Motacilla alba) also found near my office, actually it was near the canteen, pecking something from the ground and wagging its tail.
European Goldfinch
Not one, not two, but a whole bunch of finches (Carduelis carduelis) on a tree. These little birds are so many and I can hear them singing during the day.
Somehow it reminds me a xmas tree decoration.
Lesser whitethroat
And now we are back in the park of our neighbourhood where I spotted the lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca). This small bird is a typical warbler, very similar to the Orphean warbler, which I think I had the pleasure to see and photograph.
Red-backed shrike
This female red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) was perching on top branches of the trees in the park. Surely searching for prey. Some weeks ago I mentioned to hubby that we haven't seen shrikes and now each day they appear.
I will end this series of small birds with the sparrow, because I was surprised to see it eating praying mantis.
And that is all for now, hope you enjoyed my small birds gallery.

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Black redstarts are all over the place, at least here in Portugal. By the way, isn't that the black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)? Seen some new species in these vacations, hope the photos are decent enough to share soon! 😉
To be honest, I don't know if it is a black redstart. I have to search some more info about.
Aww, I am looking forward to your new photos. I am following you in Such an adventure you have on these islands. 😀
I'm loving this! Did my first dives today and the amount of wildlife is amazing! Didn't knew you were on too, will search you!
Diving is so cool.
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Way easier that way 😀 Thank you!
beautiful and cute bird
Thank you kindly.
Great walk and observation!👍
Thank you!
Each time I see a bird I learn something new.