Let's talk about crows. The crow I will show today is Hooded crow (Corvus cornix). I have no such knowledge and observation like @corvidae, who has that special bond with the crows and you can read about in her posts. What I know for sure is that these are highly inteligent birds.
The hooded crow has ash gray plumage, black wings and tail and black head and breast that reminds hood, hence the name.
With the first days of autumn more crows arrived in the park. I read that some came from the Northern European countries, so may be this is why we see less of them in summer.
This one was following us while walking the dog. All I had to do is to turn around and start shooting. The bird was walking like a model on a catwalk. One foot in front the other and turn. Quite professional if you ask me.
The close-ups reveil blue feathers down the throat and on the chest.
Hardly I can determine if this is male or female. There is no significant difference except for the male is larger.
Crows eat almost everything, including cat and dog biscuits, whatever they find among the rubbish (I saw crow rummaging the rubbish bin),other birds, fish, seeds, nuts, the list can continue. In one word - crows are omnivorous. However, very often they can be seen carrying nuts and maybe hiding them. Only once I witness how a crow managed to crash walnut by dropping it on the road.
I was thinking to end the post, but today I had another series of photos. And here is one with walnut in the beak.
A little bit earlier another crow was posing nicely. The bird was perching on the bench, showing me its best side.
And I will finish with funny shot of a crow, who was hopping. Crows can walk and hop. But the bird decided to fly and I got just part of it, blurry and not sharp, but funny anyway.
The crows are not sweet singers and they are not as attractive as some colouful birds, but they will surprise you pleasantly if you get to know them. Something tells me I will be having more photos of crows in near future.
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Yay, yes please, more crow pictures!
Hoodies are so pretty. I didn't realize they had the blue iridescence on their dark feathers. I know someone who loves to photograph hooded crows in Sweden, and she said hers didn't have iridescent feathers. But maybe those are slightly different, because I think hers stay all year round.
I wonder if that model crow is young, born earlier this year? They have a very young-looking face, and the eyes are still showing some of that light color that the fledglings have.
I did not know either they have that blue iridescence until now. And it could be young bird. Good to know about the eyes, I also spot the light area around.
I am sure I will have more encounters with the crows and more photos will follow.
Super model! Yeah, that's right. 😊
I really love watching them. Birds are so smart.
Each day I found something new and interesting about the birds. They are amazing.
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Great photos! Such a proud and businesslike crow!
When crows fly into the courtyard of my house, the small birds immediately start to panic and commotion.😁
Thank you! 😀
Oh, I can imagine the panic caused by the crows.
What a beautiful little friend 😍
Aw, thank you, glad you like it.