After the cold weekend, Monday was much more pleasant. I had a day off and spent some time in the park. At first I did not expect to see many birds, but surprisingly there were plenty. I stopped counting the buzzards, they were flying straight forward and just few were soaring high in the sky. Anyways, they were too far, so no raptor images today.
Today, my post is dedicated to the small birds. First I had series of shots of sparrows, who were enjoying their morning bath in a puddle. I will never be bored watching them. To be sure I will end up with some nice photos that I can show you, I pressed the shutter button and did burst of shots.
First two sparrows were enjoyng the water.
Then another two joined the party.
The water splashed, the birds were like children in a pool.
The one to the right is completely wet.
It is time to shake these feathers.
So amusing, I am expecting to see more often birds in bath as we are going to have rainy week.
Now, moving on and I am so happy to show the robin. It's been awhile since I spotted the robin. I found it near the bush where before the nightingale lived. The nightingale is gone now and I hope to see it again in the spring.
I made two shots before the bird disappeared, but the second one wasn't good enough. The sweet little robin will stay here and I have better chances to see it again. It pops up and stands on a branch or twig. When it starts singing it is even more pleasant.
Not far from the bush where the robin hid, another little birdie caught my eye. The redstart. It is not the first time to meet the redstart, but it was near my office. It is the first time to see it in the park close to my home. I am sure I have seen it flying around. The orange colour makes it noticable.
I expect that the redstart will leave,or maybe it is just passing by on its way to the warmer places.
Again close to both, robin and redstart, another small bird hopped and posed. And to my surprise, it is a new bird. If I am not mistaken this is red-breasted flycatcher. This one might be female, because the males have more clear red-orange throat. I even mistake them for robin while watching images to compare and find out what my bird is.
This flycatcher also will be gone to the south and I was pleased to add another species into my list.
In the end let me show another starling invasion from Sunday. They have never been so close to my home. Huge flocks flew basically couple of meters away. They were resting for some time on the roof the block across the street.
The birds preferred to perch on the cables and antennas as well. And they were quite noisy. They left after an hour or so. However, it is so nice to watch them changing the pattern of the flock while flying to and fro.
And that is for now. I have some crow images to show later in another post.
SMaP - Show Me A Photo Contest this week is about BIRDS AND PEOPLE - Link
Click the link to see the post and join the fun! I am expecting your entries.🙂
Have a great day and happy birding!
Some of my photos can be found on my Facebook or Birds in Bulgaria Facebook group.

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👍Sparrows.These guys are so funny.
They are absolutely adorable while splashing the water and making themselves wet all over.
Such a cool shots! Love them bathing...
Thank you! 🙂
This is the second time I captured the sparrows bathing and it is so funny watching them. I have to try to make a short video next time.
cute birds loved them
Thank you kindly.🙂
My pleasure
oh my...they are too cute ! Why does fluffy always looks cute ? 🤔😄
Haha, because fluffy=cute. 😄
Small and fluffy is always the best combination to melt the hearts of the viewers.
The images you capture are always so crisp.
I love the ones of the birds taking a bath.
The other day, while sitting on the front porch, we heard some rattling coming from the gutter on the front roof. the next thing we see is water droplets being sprayed around. When I got up to investigate a sparrow flew out of the gutter, startling me.
I guess a bath is a bath no matter where one decides to freshen up.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Hahaha, you caught the little bugger using your gutter. 😄
I love those happy bathing sparrows!
Thank you. 😀
I am always happy to watch them and it is such an entertainment.