One of the biggest challenges in birdphotography for me is birds in flight. It is happening so fast, so I have to use high shutter speed and basically to press the shutter continuesly hoping afterwards to have decent photos. And something really nice and eye catching.
I practice with seagulls. They are relatively big and the beach seems appropriate spot.
Seagulls though conquered inland and started to settle away from the sea. They are scavengers and feed on everything. So, food source for them cannot be a problem as they are OK not just with fish, but also with chips. This is not a secret how they steal chips from unsuspected people.😄
When there are more birds, the chance to have a photo without cutting a piece or two, are not big. However, some are still worth sharing.
And the next one found a way to fly in shade, made by its own wings.🙂
The flying technique is awesome. The wings are so flexible. I don't know if I can say so - flexible wings.🤔
The tail is like a steering wheel and here it is nicely spread like a fan.
And what we've got here. Some frenzy in the water. Ah yes, people tossing food.
You can see who was the fastest.
As it happens always, I clicked and clicked and afterwards when the photos were downloaded I could see what I have achieved.
Some results were surprising and I have to admit I was happy with.
Seagulls are not boring, on the contrary. Sitting on the beach I can watch them together with the other birds for hours. Here the swans are surrounded by seagulls and they put up with them. Funny enough considering how noisy the seagulls are and the swans are muted. More about swans in another post.
And that's all for now. The seagulls will keep on presenting in my posts. They are great for photographing and I hope they will help me improve my skills.

Thank you for viewing my post.
It is evident that you have technical knowledge of your camera, and that makes it easier for you to take the beautiful photographs that you do.
It is because of you, and the photographs you take, that I am passionate about bird photographs.
May you enjoy a beautiful day Thank you very much dear friend @nelinoeva for sharing such beautiful photographs
This is so nice of you, my friend. I am more than happy to know that I made you love the birdphotography..🙂
I saw last weekend that seagulls are already flying on our river. Spring.
Oh, we have them all year round. 🙂
Why didn't I doubt it? :)
You got great shots! Perfectly captured the moments.
Thank you very much! 🙂
that's an awesome camera you had capturing what human eyes could almost not see when naked. And I guess that is one of the amazing things in photography
Aww, thank you for your kind comment.❤
Great shots! I love seagulls. They have so much character and don't give a flying fart what anyone thinks.
This one is my favorite.
Thank you so much! 😊
I like that photo too.
It was such fun to watch them stealing all the food for themselves.
beautiful to see these seagulls flyI don't know how you take such beautiful photographs of birds flying @nelinoeva
Aww, thank you so much for your nice words.🙂
Very nice photos //
Thank youvery much. 🙂