A magpie watches his meal on a log

in Feathered Friends4 years ago


I walked along a forest path and was already approaching the edge of the forest. Suddenly I saw a magpie sitting on an old log.
She sat down on a log and carefully examined everything around. Apparently someone was sitting on a log and had lunch and left bits of food.
The magpie noticed this and decided to eat them. And just then I was passing by. She might think that I also want to pick this food myself. Therefore, she did not fly anywhere and tried to show by all means that this food belongs to her.
All the time I was looking for a good angle to photograph her. There were many stunted trees and bushes nearby, which greatly disturbed me.
As soon as I moved to one side, the magpie ran across to the other end of the log. I went back and she, too, moved back to the same place.
This went on several times. I decided to photograph her from a farther distance so that she would be less worried.
The magpie is also probably tired of running from me on a log. She came to the end of the log flapped her wings and took off.
I thought she flew away completely. But she flew off a short distance and sat behind the bushes.
Apparently she didn’t want to miss her prey.
There I also wanted to photograph her. But unfortunately she flew away again and sat behind other bushes.
I didn't bother her anymore. I hope that the magpie was also rewarded for her patience.




