Jackdaws steal food from squirrel feeders

in Feathered Friends2 months ago

Today, although it was a rather cloudy day, it was windless and not cold, so I decided to go to the park, which is located on the outskirts of the city near the river.
Right on the outskirts, I was greeted by a loud, discordant chorus of cries of rooks and jackdaws. Almost all the branches of large trees were dotted with numerous creatures of these birds.
However, inside the park, the birds were busy looking for food under the fallen leaves. However, my attention was drawn to two squirrel feeders from which jackdaws were dragging food for themselves.


While the squirrels were away, these jackdaws slowly took for themselves everything that could be carried away.


The hole inside the feeder was not very big, so only one jackdaw could get in. The second jackdaw could only look at what was there, but sometimes even 3 jackdaws would fly in at the same time. They pushed each other and each wanted to get in first.

t's a good thing they couldn't get in there completely because they didn't fit in there.


Apparently they had used these feeders more than once and knew very well that there was food for them there.


Of course, after such invasions of jackdaws there was nothing left for the squirrels. There were a lot of jackdaws and they all tried to steal something from the feeder.


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I like the shades of black and gray on their head feathers. They look very smart and crafty.


I agree with you that these birds are very cunning and always try to steal something for themselves.

Такие смешные! Сообразительные малые, ловко они в беличьи кормушки засовываются.