Today is a nice warm day. In the morning the sun just warmed up, I went to the forest, which is on the banks of the river. It's already dry there. On the edges of the forest you can always meet birds.
The leaves on the trees are still small and do not hide the birds sitting on the branches of the trees. I did not have time to approach the edge of the forest when I saw a lone jay on a bush growing near a large ravine.
The leaves on the trees are still small and do not hide the birds sitting on the branches of the trees. I did not have time to approach the edge of the forest when I saw a lone jay on a bush growing near a large ravine.
I noticed that this jay constantly made a sound like a whistle. I have never heard such sounds from jays before. The sounds that jays make are very individual and easily recognizable.
It seemed to me that this lone jay thus designated itself and called its mate to itself, since now many birds fly in pairs.
I tried to get closer to her, but the jay immediately flew off to a nearby branch. Apparently she was afraid of my close neighborhood.
I again had to stop and again had to choose a new angle.
Jay looked around in her new place and began to turn her head in all directions. At the same time, she moved along the branch from one side to the other. Soon she got tired of it and flapped her wings and flew to the edge of the forest.
Сойки очень интересные птицы. Я бы даже сказал непредсказуемые, из-за чего так интересно наблюдать за ними. У нас они к сожалению в ближайших лесах появляются только осенью, а в другое время живут далеко за пределами города.
У нас сойки иногда появляются даже в городских парках, но правда очень редко.