Rooks don't allow jackdaws to eat their food

in Feathered Friends2 months ago

Today on the way to the forest by the river I saw a very interesting sight. A good Samaritan brought a box of food to a flock of rooks and jackdaws. But what's interesting. It turned out that the rooks have a very strict hierarchy of food use. Only the leader eats first. The other rooks stand, watch and peacefully wait for their turn. None of them tries to snatch food from the box when the leader of the flock eats.


The only exceptions are the nosy jackdaws. But when they approach the food box, they get hit with their beaks by the rooks and therefore are forced to stand and wait their turn.


Even those rooks who have the second turn to approach the food box do not allow the jackdaws to approach the food.


Jackdaws are of course very unhappy with this state of affairs. They try to grab at least a little food from what fell to the ground.


They try to surround the place where the food is in the box with several individuals and distract the rooks, and at this time the most cunning one tries to steal a little food.


But very often it is not possible to outwit the rooks and they get hit with their beaks.

However, they again try to distract the rooks' attention from the food box in order to steal at least a little food for themselves.


Jackdaws are obviously afraid of rooks. In the case of pigeons, they even snatch food from the rooks' beaks, but here they do not dare to do this.


Lower-ranking rooks can peck at food from a box in pairs or even threes, but jackdaws are not allowed near the food.
