The rook found an acorn and is going to eat it

in Feathered Friends3 years ago


Old trees were sawed in the park by the river. Many stumps remained from them. Then the stumps were destroyed with a special technique. Unfortunately, the debris from the stumps was not immediately removed. They had already been lying for quite a long time. Various birds often congregate near these debris. Apparently, various insects and worms remained in the old wood. Birds often dig in these ruined tree stumps.


I walk past these stumps and see how one rook brought an acorn to the stump. He put it on the ground and looked around. Apparently he decided to hide it in reserve. But there were many other rooks around. They saw that this rook had brought an acorn. Rooks began to gather around him. I realized that they would want to take the acorn from this rook.


But the rook turned out to be cunning. He quickly thrust the acorn under a piece of wood and quickly stepped aside. Until the rooks approached him, he was already away from the place where he hid the acorn. They walked around him. The acorn was not found and scattered around it looking for food.


The rook stood so proud and contented. He was apparently glad that he managed to keep his food from other rooks.
He was in no hurry to pull out the hidden acorn while there were many other rooks around. He was probably afraid that they would run in again to take him away.


He went to the place where he hid the acorn. He bent his head and looked under a piece of wood where he hid his acorn. He was there. Apparently he decided to eat it when no one was around.


And this rook turned out to be more cunning. He deftly stole a large piece of food from another rook.