This winter, unfortunately, there were few good sunny days when it was possible to go to the nearest forest. Unfortunately, constant snowstorms and heavy snowfalls covered all the paths and paths. Deep snow made it impossible to look for birds in the forest.
But today I was lucky. right at the edge of the forest I heard the loud knocking of a woodpecker’s beak. I was not mistaken, it was really a woodpecker who was sitting on a tree trunk and beating his drumbeat.
Although there was a lot of snow around, I managed to get closer to it to examine it. He was busy with his own business and did not pay attention to me.
I approached him closer, but the woodpecker, noticing me, only climbed higher up the tree trunk and continued to tap out his trills, showing with all his appearance that he was very busy with his work.
He carefully looked for insects and bugs in the tree. Apparently there were a lot of them there, so he didn’t want to fly away. I was interested to see what food he found there and I began to walk around the tree on which he was sitting so that I could see better.
But the woodpecker apparently didn’t like it very much. He again decided to climb higher and hide among the tree branches. So he rose higher and higher until he reached the very top. I decided not to bother him anymore and carefully moved away from the tree.