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RE: First visitor at the bath today!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Howdy Sir @janton, so great to hear from you as I miss our chats, struggles and concerns. Oh andd the humor of course. Just the other day the mountain goat and I were chatting about you.

Yes, our power system remain strained and I read all about the strange situation in Texas. Mother nature is angry about mankind's mistreatments and "ye shall see strange things that ye have never seen before in those days" certainly has a ring of truth to it.

We are now one day out of a severe fire that we had here for the last week in the mountains. Destroyed some 16000 hectares of land, but luckily no life, so yes, nature is crazy all over the world.

How are you doing nowadays? Something like a new business keeping you up?

Missing you boy.



Holy smokes! 16,000 Hectares...I looked it up and that's 40,000 acres. What a tragedy. Think of all the animals that probably perished in that fire. But miraculously no people, amazing! I never thought of South Africa having wild fires, is this an anomaly down there?

Oh, you DID hear about our deep freeze all the way down there. It was mind-blowing for Texans. But most people, like ourselves, are going to be much better prepared next winter with alot of supplies and alternative heat sources.

Our situation would be similar in results if your part of the world was hit with -4 degree temperatures wouldn't it? that would be -20 Celsius. I don't think you guys are used to very cold temperatures either. And then with the electric going off like it does, oh my! talk about freezing your butt off. lol. You might have to open the house up to the squirrels so they didn't freeze to death.

I'm doing very well, working on a lot of projects around the house and property and the Missus wants me to get a real job so I will probably start looking for one of those shortly.

Is your ministry still going? I'm sure the needs of the people are always present and probably increasing!

Africa is well known for its fires Janton, in the 2018-2019 (March to March) year we had +14000 fires over here. Devastating facts.

Yes we DID see how you guys were suffering with the freak weather, power losses et al.
Some over here even said that the Texans will now know what we have to endure with our power losses. Imagine if you have a freezer packed full of meat and no power?
Maybe next winter the same will not occur at your side, but you have to be prepared.

We have only ever seen 0C and anything below that will be a real calamity. -20C will be a sure disaster over here. Thankfully we are used to no power and we can make fires in the houses, but the cold will be a killer for our animals. Squirrels in the bed with us, plus the geese, the Robins, the Thrushes and the 20 doves. We will have to get a psychiatrist for Troy 😁

I am sure that they can always do with Rodeo riders and horse handlers in Texas and you are still young enough, so a permanent job shouldn't be a worry 🤣

Yes, if I have my way, Papillon will never stop and we have now partnered with 5 other established, non profits in 8 projects. So the going is good and the people that we help are very happy.
My recent baby is the establishment of a coding training project for the children at poor farm schools and we all have high hopes for it.

We will also very soon have a new website written in proper SEO language and with secure links, so life is good my friend.

As usual, we wish you guys only all of the best!

Sir papilloncharity! So good to hear that your ministry is growing and joining with others, that is very wise for future stability. But I as shocked to hear about how many fires y'all have down there, darn, that is not good! 14,000??? That boggles the mind right there, what a tragic statistic. But I reckon you guys are used to tragic statistics.

What is a "coding training project?" is that computer programming or something? I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to technology.

haha! You'll have to get a psychiatrist for Troy! lol...that is hilarious.

Thanks so much for the comment and I'll try to keep in touch as much as I can. In the meantime God bless you guys and all the animals too of course!

Good morning and a happt Sunday to you guys Cowboy.

Yes, you are right as we are used to all abnormalities my friend.
Have a look at this and maybe you will see what we are facing over here.

Yes, coding is IT language for developing apps, bots and many other things on the internet.
If you know how to code, you can set up uour own business, or shop and one can even develop new games. Hive for instance was developed by coders.

I cannot code to save my life, but at least it will be a great thing for the poor kids to learn, as it can open many doors in this world for them.

Did I tell you that Troy is a psychiatrist 🤣

Thank you and it is always a pleasure to hear from you and we thank our God for also protecting you guys!

Howdy again sir papilloncharity! Wow that article about the cause of the fires is very good. So many factors but it sounds like most of them can be contributed to stupid humans. lol. That's a shame.

The idea to teach the poor kids to code is brilliant! Is that your idea? How long does it take to learn that skill?

Howdy Sir @janton,

Oh yeah, now you also know what's going on with the fires here.

Yes, the coding project is mine, but the two qualified trainers will implement the pilot.
Pilot meaning that we will start with two sets of 8 children (one trainer for each set) and then develop the time frame durations and we will also tailor the curriculum to suit our local situations.

We followed the same route with the English langue training for adult foreigners and it was a great success.

The Non Profit that we are partnering with now has 23 farm schools on their books and once we are happy with the pilot performance, the children from the farm schools will be bussed to the training center to learn coding during the school holidays.

This will serve two main purposes, one being that the kids will learn coding and two, the kids will be occupied and kept away from drugs and gangs.

Hope that your week is great thus far.

Howdy sir papilloncharity! That is such a brilliant concept and plan! And it has the added advantage or benefit of keeping the kids occupied, very wise indeed!