CHIRP CHIIRRRPPPPPPP - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 12

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

So, what does a gigantic bird do on top of a tree? CHIIIIIRRRPPPPPPP!!

I know, lamest joke ever! It does sound better in portuguese and vocalized, in my defense! 😁 And on to the Big Bird edition, for this week's contest!

We can have different measurements in what concerns "big": size, wing span, weight. Some birds have huge wing span, such as the albatrosses, but are not that big; others, such as the ortriches, can't even fly at all, but they're huge! And after reading this post, you'll know who is the heaviest bird that still has flight capabilities!

Let's start with a national one!


White stork / Cegonha branca (PT) - Ciconia ciconia

The white stok was probably one of the most sucessfull conservation programs in Portugal. Once with declining numbers, it is now a common presence in the country. They usually form colonies, so chances are you'll see more than one. And it's hard not to notice them with the black and white plummage and a wingspan that can reach 218 cm!


They're not shy, so they make good photographic models; I was lucky this time, since birds in flight are not my specialty at all, especially with a bridge camera.


In another country, I saw one of their cousins, a more colourful one.


Painted stork - Mycteria leucocephala

Painted storks can be found in Asia; this photo was taken in a natural park in Sri Lanka. This is a 2 in 1 photo: another big bird in the back, an egret (well, we could say a 3 in 1 photo, but since this is a bird post, the water buffalos won't mind)!

And since we've arrived in Sri Lanka, another beautiful bird found in the same location:


Changeable hawk-eagle - Nisaetus cirrhatus

Big birds of prey are magnificent. This isn't one of the biggest, but it's imponent nevertheless! And she wasn't shy either, since she stayed perched when our jeep passed nearby and gave us plenty of time to snap photos before she took off.


Before leaving Sri Lanka, another feathered friend. I won't dwelve on this next one, but they do fit in the big bird category for me. Male Indian peacocks have probably one of the biggest tails of all avian species. And it was great being able to see them on their natural habitat.


Indian peacock / Pavão indiano (PT) - Pavo cristatus, male

So... back to Portugal! To the fields of Alentejo, more precisely. These big guys come spend the mild winter here, leaving again in the Spring.


Common crane / Grou (PT) -Grus grus

I do miss seeing cranes, it's been a couple of years since I was able to do a decent birdwatching session. Sure hope to break that cycle next year!


I saved the heaviest one to the end! It's not the heaviest bird species, but it is the heaviest bird capable of flight!


Great bustart / Abetarda (PT) - Otis tarda, male

Males of this species are bigger than females, and can reach 16 kg of bodyweight!! They're huge! I was blessed to be able to see them in the wild, but these photos were taken in a breeding facility in Spain.

This male is performing a mating display. In the breeding season, they make an ellaborate dance to try and impress the ladies; hence the strange wing disposition.


Here he is, in a more "normal" stance. Big and beautiful, because of the amazing plummage; males even seen to have a small moustache in the breeding season!


This is it for today. Curious to see the other entries!

Happy birding everyone!


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Awesome post. Good luck with your entry. Great one.

Thank you for the visit!

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Awesome selection, such a joy to see birds from different places.
The storks are most beloved in my country. Their arrival is a sign the winter is over and I managed to see few in the fields while I was commuting. Hubby was luckier spotting their flocks above our block.

Always a pleasure to learn something new from your posts.

Here we already have a lot of resident stork couples. They probably got used to our sunny climate and decided to stick around even during winter. 😁

Whoa! Stunning shots of big buddies!👍

Bigger is easier to spot! 😁😉

Wonderful selection ^_^ First time I see the last one, if I were a lady bustart I would be greatly impressed by his feathers and style 😁

Ahahahahah they sure are impressive! Now imagine them with all that style, and doing ellaborate dances! 😁😉

I remember trying to take bird photos last summer, the start of this pandemic, I failed miserably. None of them were worth showing. Hahahaha!

One more reason to go out and see more birds! 😉