Good things come in pairs

in Feathered Friends8 months ago

Well, thinking about it, not always; but true in this case. For this week's SMAP, bird couples is the theme. And what's better than seeing one bird? Two, of course.

Seeing bird couples is fairly common, especially during breeding seasons. Distinguishing males and females can be trickier sometimes, though. In some species, there's clear sexual dimorphism, with a striking difference in plummage. Think ducks in breeding season, for instance:


Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos

It's impossible not to recognize them! In birds, males usually have brighter colours than females, and that holds true here: male in front with smooth striking colours, female on the back with a plain brown pattern.

I used ducks as an example because in ducks, there's a twist: unlike other species, male ducks have an eclipse plummage after the breeding season, where they acquire a colours pattern resembling the females! Look at the difference here:


Notice how the head is a little darker, but the overall colour pattern is quite similar?


This plummage only lasts for a couple months. In most other species, there are just seasonal differences between Summer and Winter, or they simply retain the same colour pattern throughout the year.

Here's another cute couple where the difference is clear:


Common merganser - Mergus merganser

I love the colours on these guys, but here is one of those examples where I'm uncertain on which one looks cooler! As I said before, males are usually the prettiest, and no doubt this male has beautiful colours.

Common merganser - Mergus merganser, male

There's a sharp contrast between the dark head and part of wings, to the white in the body. But looking at the female...


Common merganser - Mergus merganser, female

Not that sharp of a contrast, but that reddish head is just awesome! Especially when the little crest is visible, which is not often the case.


So yes, this is one of the rare times where I have a hard time deciding which one I find more beautiful. What do you say?

And for last, one of those species where there is a difference between males and females... but it's very hard to see!


Greater flamingo - Phoenicopterus roseus

Flamingos are such elegant birds, and males and females share the same colour pattern; the only difference between sexes is the size, where male is bigger than the females. But most of the time, that detail is not clearly visible. With these two, I do believe I was looking at a couple, seeing how close they were, and the size difference. But again, not a 100% sure!


Whatever the case, it's always a joy to admire them; especially this close!


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The female of the common merganser in my opinion is much more interesting that the male in therms of plumage. The reddish brown head and the crest it surely the winner of the beauty contest! Ahaha

+1 for the female!

Flamingos are super cool and the other couples are equally awesome.
I haven't got the pleasure to meet the Common merganser, but I find it difficult to choose between male and female. Although female with its crest is more attractive.
Thank you for this informative post and lovely photos!

This was the first time I ever saw them; and for what I research, I was in the limit of their normal distribution, so I was really lucky!

Up close the female merganser gets my vote. But we have these on the local lake and the strong black/white contrast on the males is striking, and more visible from the shore 🤔

Yeah, I can imagine males are more visible for sure; but still, up close... it's at least a tie! :)

An impressive cute selection of couples

The ducks are simply enjoying the water
I admire them a lot
They are cute!
