more birding walks. May biodivercity -- 15 foto .:. EN/RU

in Feathered Friends3 years ago (edited)


This post goes for 'Show me your photo (of a bird)' contest, round #71. Week's topic was 'Shadow of the Bird'.

But before I show you what I came up with to this round, let me step back a bit; you see, in order to jump well, you must make a good takeoff!

Но прежде разрешите я сделаю бальшой шаг назад. Как известно, тобы хорошо прыгнуть, надо хорошо разбежаться!

Last week the challenge had its prompt as "Bird Beak" -- somehow I missed taking part in that round, I didn't have a good momentum, probably because I had no appropriate convincing close-up capture. Murphy's law, as always, made its best, and as soon as the previous challenge ended, such photo have arrived immediately! Now its too late and off the contest, but I cannot help but share it, cause its challenge and its fun!

На прошлой неделе была предложена тема "Клюв", но я как-то пропустил тот раунд, не было хорошего импульса, наверное оттого что не было убедительной фотки. Как всегда сработал закон западла: стоило челленджу закончиться, такая фотка у меня сразу появилась! Поэтому, хоть с опозданием и вне конкурса, я просто не могу ее не показать.


Enjoy: a hell yeah convincing beak of a coot duck sitting on her hatch. And yes, she did protest loudly against me taking pics at close range; this portrait should be accompanied by the caption: "No photos allowed!"

Наслаждайтесь: чертовски убедительный клюв сидящей на кладке лысухи. Да, она была против фоток с близкой дистанции, портрет в общем должна сопровождать подпись: "Никаких фото!"

So... after this lyrical introduction and perhaps my best 'moment captured' in a while, I can show you the rest of my birding photo-walks for the past week. This is biodivercity I have at my place.

Ну вот... после этого лирического вступления и возможно моей лучшей фотографии за последнее время, можно перейти и к остальному. Вот такое разнообразие птичьих видов меня окружает.


Wagtails are very timid, shy, distrustful creatures - they never let me get closer to their body than 2-3 meters... That's why I still don't have good close-ups of this bird, only "portraits in the interior". But I love this genre too; a portrait can be interesting / successful precisely due to the background texture, like in the photo above. Below is uncropped version of this frame.

Трясогузки очень робкие, застенчевые, недоверчивые создания - никогда не подпускают меня к своему телу ближе чем 3 метра... Поэтому у меня нет хороших близких планов этой пичуги, а только "портреты в интерьере". Но я люблю такой жанр тоже; он может быть интересен /удачен именно за счет текстуры / фона, вот как на данном фото.


Ay, I forgot to say: all the photos were taken with my new Canon 70-200mm 2.8L lens, which, of course, is not as "tele" as the 300mm that I have at my disposal, but a little longer than my usual macro Sigma 150mm, and most importantly, it has a large aperture and fast fast autofocus. But the weight is 1.3 kg :(

Да, забыл сказать: все фотографии сняты моим новым объективом 70-200мм, который конечно не такой длиннофокусный, как имеющийся в моем распоряжении 300мм, но немного длиннее чем макро 150мм, а главное, имеет большую светосилу и быстрый шустрый автофокус. И весит 1.3 кг.


I accompanied the tinted warbler for 15 shots. She jumped from branch to branch inside (!) bushes, but sometimes she appeared out of the bush, so she was photographed several times - and, moreover, from various angles. She hunted midges, with which a whole cloud grazed near the water. I don’t know what midges eat, but the warbler fed on midges. An inconspicuous gray bird without any special distinguishing features, ideal for a spy in appearance - the identification site helped me in determining.

Пеночку-тиньковку я сопровождал в течение 15 кадров. Она прыгала с ветки на ветку внутри (!) кустов, но временами показывалась из куста наружу, так что ее удалось сфотографировать несколько раз - причем, в самых разных ракурсах. Она охотилась на мошкару, которой целое облако паслось у воды. Я не знаю, чем питаются мошки, ну а пеночка питалась именно мошками. Птица без особых отличительных признаков - в определении мне помог сайт-определитель.

Please note photo on the left: it is not reduced, just cropped copy of the photo above. Yes, part of the image is out of focus and blurry due to bird's movement, but look how clearly the lens rendered all the feathers texture on its head! This is truly fantastic lens and I don't regret buying it even though the price was very high. This is the second version of the lens, without optical stabilizer.

There also exist the 1st version of 70-200mm lens which has less weight and lower aperture (min. aperture = 4), and this is a completely different lens, believe me. Autofocus and ability to draw a nice picture are much lower.

Оцените фрагмент картинки. Да, часть изображения не в фокусе и смазана из-за движения, но смотрите, как четко объектив отрисовал текстуру перьев на голове! Это фантастический объектив, не жалею что купил его, хотя цена была суровой. Это 2-я версия (без оптического стаба).


😜 We definitely had an eye contact here!


Excuse me for praising myself now, but in my humble opinion, I got a very unusual and cool photo. A scene like this doesn't happen every day! Believe me, no photoshop, I did not blur the second leg of this starling. But what's going on here? I have no explanation for what is happening!

Извините что я себя сейчас похвалю, но мо моему скромному мнению, у меня получилась весьма необычная и прикольная фотография. Такой кадр встречается не каждый день! Поверьте, никакого фотошопа, я не заблюривал этому скворцу вторую ногу. Но что здесь происходит? У меня нет никаких объяснений происходящему!

Only the impression that I caught him in a moment of philosophical self-reflection, This moment lasted for several minutes, during which I went around him in a circle and did doubles, and the starling turned his head, following me with his eyes, but did not change his landing leg ... I hope @ratel would come and suggest some explanation? Would be much appreciated!

Только впечатление, что я застал его в момент философской саморефлексии, Этот момент продолжался несколько минут, в течении которых я обходил его по кругу и делал дубли, а скворец вертел головой, провожая меня взглядом, но не менял посадочную ногу... Быть может, @ratel сможет дать какое-нибудь объяснение? я был бы признателен!


Oh, by the way: "One leg" is also an interesting and promising prompt, it is worth adding to the topic pool from Neli pick up the future topics.

Да, кстати: "Одна нога" -- тоже интересная и многообещающая тема, вполне можно внести эту тему в список, из которого Нели выбирает будущие темы.



Over the past week I have taken a few hundred shots of nesting coot ducks and great grebes; and know what? I still do not lose hope to make captures of their chicks - in three last years I have not been able to do this even once. Please, wish me a golden luck.

За прошлую неделю я сделал очень много фотографий гнездящихся уток-лысух и чомги; я все еще не теряю надежды получить фотографии их птенцов - за три года мне это не удавалось ни разу!


Awesome birdie with an extra reflection -- even better!


Pigeons. They are inevitable, they are everywhere!


Shadow.... on the birdhouse. Its not exactly what I need but closer, closer...


And voyla! shadows of three hungry pigeons (and the corn cob shadow, too). Its not just several shadows but much more: look into this maniac eye... and appreciate the capture!

All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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Thanks for visiting my blog!

These birds looks really not cool at all😂, I can't imagine you going closer than you did, it would have been chaotic.

You put in a lot effort to give us this beautiful view of the birds and I'm happy I saw this, I love your work @qwerrie.

The birds were just scared of being hurt but it felt as if at some point they were happy of being photographed 😄.

it would have been not chaotic, but disastrous. she has a very, very convincing beak, and the temper is not as soft as one may think :=)
and ofc she was happy -- because she got 4 kidz, four chicks have hatched from her nest, and although the photos didnt turn out very well, still -- I have something to show. next time! do not diverge too far away :))

Okay, but for me I think the photos were beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

next time! do not diverge too far away :

I'm trying to understand this part, please can you explain more, I'd really appreciate it.

in other words: check the part two that will follow soon, there will be photos of coot duck chicks there 👍

Awesome shots!! I love birds so having the opportunity to see this art is amazing! Congratulations for your great work!!

thanks! bird's life scenes can be very entertaining, I agree, and telephoto lens help to look at it in details. I took some chicks photos; soon will share a post about coot duck chicks. 😍

Красивые фото, посмотрела с удовольствием!

meow! 🙏


I rather see nature's beauty than a bird.

🍀 thats a nice compliment, thank you!! 😀

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 109 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

To bad you were to late for the beak entry.
But the shadow one is great.Hahaha such a fun @qwerrie 😎

That is an interesting capture of him on 1 leg… maybe he was in meditation and did a yoga 🧘🏻‍♀️ figure hahaha lol
Have a wonderful evening further 👋🏻😎

maybe he was in meditation and did a yoga

exactly what I considered myself, just in another terms. there are some funny captures here indeed. cheers! and if its too late for a !PIZZA today, you may keep it for the breakfast with your morning coffee 🙏🤸

Yep, let’s go with that 😁
There are funny captures hahaha being in the right moment.
Ooo I like the sound of that, early morning pizza with coffee… yep, that’s it 😎🍕

Here one for you too (if I still got some 😉)

thanki, thanki. 🤸 uh, and speaking of "late" providing of a proper Beak -- in any case, I abided to the second important rule of the challenge. do you remember it?

No, enlighten me 🤓You are welcome @qwerrie 😁

FUN! the 2nd important / sufficient rule, is have fun :)))))) and I did have it, selecting pictures and composing my blog today 🤪

Having fun 💃🏻💃🏻🤩🤩Perfect @qwerrie 😁 it sure is… but it doesn’t have to be a rule. Isn’t that always the case 😉


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(1/5) @qwerrie tipped @littlebee4 (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

А у нас таких уток не водится почему то... Классические утки только есть.((

Фото с клювом - огонь. Столько птичьих эмоций в одном снимке.))

Скворец... Скворец непонятный.) Такое впечатление, что нога у него всего одна...

И гуля на последней фотке шикарна - обезумевший взгляд голодной птицы.))))

пасиб! да, попались 'some highlights' на прошлой недельке.
я еще утиных птенцов таки заснял... немножко. покажу опосля, как выдохну


BEERHey @chanych85, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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Wow, wow, wow. Shame you missed previous round, these open beaks photos are outstanding. The new lens is brilliant of what I see here. Great shots of all the birds. 🙂
One legged bird is a very god suggestion. I need to find some photos to illustrate it, though. I would love to use it. 🙂

👍 Круто!

А черненький это черный дрозд. Непонятно чего он ногу поджал) обычно когда мерзнут они так делают Но на втором фото не теньковка, это серая славка

воистину, сеанс разоблачения черной магии. множественные спасибы!! и кружечка !BEER

BEERHey @ratel, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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beautiful shots 😉

Grazie mille!
ps. got some coot chicks shots, not such perfect but anyway. I plan to share them in my next F-F post.

классная подборка!

мерси! хотя тень не шедевральная, но остальное -- весело.


Тень? Была тень?
Шутка. Конечно, она не главная.

главное, тема накрыта! и пост хороший. 😎

BEERHey @alechi, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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