Recently, I have very little time so far, but I managed to go into the forest for a while, to see how the birds are doing there.

First of all, I met the Siberian Chiffchaff.
The bird sat on a tree and sang a song. I turned on the voices of this bird on the speaker and he flew closer and began to flap his wings. So the male scares off his competitors while protecting the territory.

Of course there were a lot of chaffinches.

I met about seven waxwings. They sat on the bushes and ate the newly blossomed buds.

There were many redwing thrushes around, but it is very difficult to get close to them, they are shy. But I still succeeded. The male sat singing a song.

This is what the forest looks like now. A ravine, and in it the snow that has not yet melted.

I met a nuthatch, and I met him right there two weeks ago. Apparently he lives here.

With great difficulty I managed to photograph the siskin. By the way, in this place (as in the photo above) I meet them for many years in a row.
Hearing voices, he flew in, but did not want to sit close to a tree.

And not far away, a song thrush sat at the very top of a tree. He sang his beautiful melancholic song.

On the ground, noisily jumping and turning over dry leaves, a pair of great tits, a male and a female, were looking for food.

I moved to another location.

I heard familiar voices, it was waxwings again. There were many of them, and among them there was already one formed couple.

The male plucked viburnum berries and treated his female, looked after her. It was just touching!
I tried to capture this moment for a long time, my hand got tired and started to go numb, but it was worth it!

On the way home, I met a lot of fieldfare in the old cemetery.

Cool bird finds 🤗👌👌🍷 I be more back to see what you find.
I was unable to photograph some of these birds.
It would be especially interesting to get acquainted with waxwings.
Those birdes are so cute and beautiful, very nice pictures😍
These Old World warblers are just incredibly difficult to identify. Thanks for the posts.
Yes, you are right. They all look alike.