๐ฆ Blyth's reed warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum)
๐ Acrocephalus Greek: acros upper, pointed, kephale head
๐ dumetorum lat .: dumetum thicket, thickets, dumus thorny bush

This funny bird arrives late, in the so-called last wave. It's about the middle of May. You can meet her in forests, groves, in the shrub zone of the coast, and recently they have increasingly begun to settle in city yards. Simply put, the environment is not important for the bird, the main thing is that there are many bushes.

And not everyone may like such a neighborhood. Because the bird sings songs around the clock. And her songs are loud, consisting of fragments of songs and voices of other bird species, which are separated by her own "checking" sounds.

Camera | Lens |
Nikon D5200 | Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD |