Birdwatching - 2008 🐦

in Feathered Friends7 months ago

🦉 The willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)

  • Phylloscopus Greek: phyllon foliage, skopos seeker, observer
  • trochilus trokhilos (Greek) is a small bird mentioned by Aristotle, later identified as "wren", but in Aldrovandus (1599) it is "a kinglet without a tuft"; trokhalos, trokhiscus (Greek) round, oval, curved, spherical; trochilus (lat.) semicircular, curved

These small, unremarkable birds arrive in the midst of spring. And then the forest will be filled not only with the songs of chaffinches and tits, but also with the gentle whistling songs of these birds.

Males sing actively to attract females and defend their territory. You can conduct a fun experiment: turn on the voices of these birds on your phone speaker, the male will fly to the nearest tree or bush and flutter his wings. So he scares away and drives away a competitor on his territory.
I saw something similar when a cuckoo appeared in the forest and this little bird tried to drive it away.
I completely forgot! I even have a video about it, I shot it 5 years ago.

Here you can see how a small brave warbler chases away a huge cuckoo.

Nikon D5200Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD

эти парни-девки любят почки весной клевать.

Какие крутые кадры! Эти два зелёных, особенно нижний - композиционно, по свету, сюжету. Каждый раз, заходя в ваш блог после перерыва (т.к. последние пару лет бываю здесь на хайве не частыми и не очень продолжительными набегами), всегда радуюсь, видя ваши фото.

первое фото - умиление)
такой пухнатыш))

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

What a nice and beautiful bird, I love the photographs and the information about it.
Have a beautiful dayGood morning dear friend @ratel, how are you?