Birdwatching - 2105 🐦

in Feathered Friends2 months ago

🦉 The coal tit or cole tit (Periparus ater)

  • Peri (Greek) very, hugely
  • Parus (lat.) Tit
  • ater (lat.) black, dark

This small, 9 gram, active tit prefers to live in coniferous forests. However, they can also be found in mixed forests. Unlike their relatives, the Great Tits and Willow Tits, they avoid cities and populated areas. I mean, they continue to live in the wild in winter and do not fly into cities like others do.

Every spring I meet them in the forest closest to my house, where they sing, explore their territories and spend the mating season. Some couples stay there to live, but this is rare. Mostly, by summer they fly away far away, to coniferous forests.

Nikon D5200Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD