π¦ The Eurasian wigeon or European wigeon, also known as the widgeon or the wigeon (Mareca penelope)
π Mareca marreco (port) duck; Marica (Roman mythology) river nymph
π penelope PΔnΔlΕpΔ, in ancient Greek. mythology Odyssey's wife, mother Telemachus
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These ducks live in the forest steppe or tundra, but I see them once a year when they fly past my city and stop to rest on the lakes. It is surprising that this duck is not at all afraid of people, apparently because she has not encountered them in the wild. I calmly took photos and videos of them swimming in the lake and eating something.

As for its nutrition, this duck eats plant foods. In her daily diet, mainly green parts of plants that grow in or near water along the banks of reservoirs, as well as plant rhizomes.
These ducks have pronounced sexual dimorphism, but it lasts until the summer molt. After this time, the male becomes similar to the female.