π¦ The long-tailed tit or long-tailed bushtit (Aegithalos caudatus)
π Aegithalos (Greek): tit
π caudatus (lat.): tailed

The feathers of the long-tailed tit are very soft and fluffy. And in cold weather, when this bird fluffs them, it may seem like an almost even ball, from which a long tail sticks out.
By the way, this tail can reach almost 11 cm. The weight of these birds is only nine grams, and the plumage itself is the heaviest in it.

These birds are very friendly to each other and to other birds, and it is not surprising that they participate in a mixed bird flock in autumn and winter.
To a human, they are also quite trusting within reasonable limits. They can sit next to a tree and go about their business without fear. And they are easily lured to the sound.

Ah the long tailed tits are always so cute, I really like them but here they are seldom to find.