๐ฆ Blyth's reed warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum)
๐ Acrocephalus Greek: acros upper, pointed, kephale head
๐ dumetorum lat .: dumetum thicket, thickets, dumus thorny bush

This bird loves to sing. He loves to sing very much. From early morning until night. Moreover, she remembers the voices of other birds she hears and inserts fragments into her songs, separating them with her own specific crackling sounds.

This bird lives in the bushes. Just in the bushes, no matter where they are. In meadows, fields, forests, parks, and even in the city doors. Often I began to notice that they are increasingly settling near human houses, the main thing is that there should be bushes.

Camera | Lens |
Nikon D5200 | Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD |