Wildlife : Birdwatching - 968 🐦

in Feathered Friends4 years ago


🦉 The willow tit (Poecile montanus)
📚 Poecile poikilis (Greek) an unidentified small bird mentioned in ancient texts | montanus (lat .) : mōns, montis mountain, mountain range, montanus mountain


These birds arranges nests in hollows, occupying abandoned old hollows of woodpeckers, other birds, or their own old ones. The material for the nest is bast fibers, small chips, dry roots, stems, dried moss, animal hair
In winter, when there is not enough food for the birds, they can be seen in city parks, gardens, visiting feeders.
Like some other species of tits (except for Great Tit), willow tits store food if they are full. They hide the bark of various insects and seeds in crevices.

