I found the motherload of heron and cormorant nests. Unfortunately these trees they nest on are in the middle of a swamp. Then there is no high ground to get on to shoot down into the nests.Here is a mishmash of sightings from this week for #featheredfriday by @melinda010100
This nest looks like it has some great blue herons. I even saw some little baby heads poking up.
The only way I could get a good shot of these guys is to buy a drone and fly it overhead. I suspect they might attack the drone though. I would only do it if I could get a stealthy one that is quiet and small.
Meanwhile I noticed some bald eagles flying above. This one has a bit of juvenile feathers on it still.
I found a couple more perching on a dead tree in the middle of a swamp. This is a great place for birdwatching but bad for getting photos because of the swamp in the way. I suppose I could get some galoshes and wade in closer to try and get a better photo next time.
On my way to the eagles I saw a few killdeer. I also ended up scaring up a bunch of woodcocks. They were so camouflage that I only noticed them as they startled a few feet from me into the air. Next time I'll sneak around more slowly to try and get a shot of one.
Spring has brought out the song sparrows. This little guy was belting out his complex song.
The house sparrows are everywhere as well. They are starting to get a bit territorial right now.
I saw a grackle out as well. I love how they shine in the sun.
The red winged blackbirds all seem to have established territory. Now they have to defend it. I don't think this guy liked the grackle around and he was doing quite a bit of posturing to scare it away.
That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)
Thanks again @ackhoo :-)
Nice photos. We are enduring the plague of the blackbirds right now. blackbirds, grackles and starlings. They all come this time of year and hang out in big noisy bunches. I have my feeders down which is good because they take those over too. But then they move on. Must be better feeding grounds else where.
Haha same here I even saw one of those nefarious copper headed cowbirds yesterday. Those guys lay eggs in other birds nests and the tiny songbird babies get knocked out of the nest by the huge cowbird. Then if you remove their egg from the nest the cowbird will go back and destroy the rest of the eggs.
Beautiful birds! Many migratory birds have already arrived to us. I also have to go look for these birds and take their photos
Tiny warblers are starting to show up around here. Its tough getting the smaller guys to sit still for a shot.