Here is a chicken guard dog for this #featheredfriday
It's a tough job but somebody has to guard these chickens from the hawks while they free range.
This dog kind of roams around making sure all the chickens are ok.
He's mor of a prop to ensure no fox's or hawks decide to take a run at the chickens out in the open.
Usually the chickens are safe from hawk dive bombs in their large covered enclosures.
But when the weather is nice and the guard dog is out they can roam around a the pasture freely.
I'm sure if a hawk did try and attack the dog would be rushing over. The chicken might be maimed but still be able to survive.
Now they get to explore interesting areas for insects.
They are oblivious to threats as they feast on wild stuff.
The cow nearby seems a bit leery of the dog though. He'd better stay over there near those chickens.
That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)
Thanks again :-)
He is Gorgeous 😍
He looked a bit on the old side but did a good job carefully watching the chickens.
I always love working dogs doing their thing. Nice pics. I bet the dog is great for foxes and coyotes but probably so so for hawks and owls haha