My Granddaughter Takes Flight

in Family & Friends7 months ago (edited)

My Granddaughter Climbing Down the Rocks on the Isle of Man

My daughter and granddaughter were traveling together in the UK last week. They were on a very special mission. My granddaughter is going to spend a semester abroad this year, and my daughter was helping her to get settled.

My granddaughter is a junior in college. That's hard for me to get my head around. In the picture above, you can see her on the rocks at the Sound, on the Isle of Man.

Here is another picture of her at the bottom of the cliff. This picture is more symbolic for me. My granddaughter strikes a majestic pose. She is on a journey in life and is determined to prevail over challenges.

janissa majestic on the rocks.png

As I write this, she has already started her summer semester classes. And, she has already made friends with other students at the university. The summer semester lasts three weeks. After that there is a break before the fall semester begins. She won't be home until December.

Here is a picture of my daughter on the rocks. You can glean from these pictures that both women are athletic. They like nothing better than a good workout.

colleen on the rocks.png

My daughter and granddaughter have been making trips to different places in the world for almost twenty years (my granddaughter celebrates her 20th birthday in November). In the early years, they traveled because my daughter was on tour, as a dancer. My granddaughter 'saw' Norway, Korea, Japan, France...a host of countries when she was an infant, and as she learned to walk.

Here is a picture of my granddaughter in a traditional Korean hanbok. My daughter was on tour in Korea, and as you can see, her daughter was already a dancer :) This must have been an interpretive dance, because the child is holding Cheez It crackers, as she makes her moves.

janissa korea.png

Last week, when my daughter and granddaughter traveled, they did so because it was my granddaughter who had "business". She was on an academic path, and had her eyes set on a future career.

Time moves on.

This trip will represent a number of 'firsts' for her. This is the first time my granddaughter will be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages, legally. Here is the first picture of her ever legally enjoying a glass of wine in a public restaurant. Note the blue nails. She went for a manicure a day before she left for Europe.

janissa cocktail.png

This is the first time my granddaughter will be staying in Europe without her mother. Here is the way her dorm room looked when she first saw it. I wonder how long it will stay this clean? :))
jan dorm lanc.jpg

She will be navigating her way in Europe on her own. She will be arranging for travel on buses, trains and planes as she makes her way around the continent and then back home.

It's a little nerve wracking for me, and yet so very exciting. It is the realization of a lifetime of work, for both her mother and for her grandparents, my husband and me. We have had a hand in raising her from the first. So, while she belongs to herself, and to her mother, she also (in my mind) will always belong to us.

Here we are, in the picture below--my granddaughter, my husband and I--at the beach in a sort of farewell get together shortly before she left for college. That was two years ago.

oma opa janissa at the beach 2022.png

Just days after this picture was taken my granddaughter packed up her mother's pickup truck, and left for college. The picture below was taken not long after sunrise. The two women were getting an early start and friends had come to say good bye. I was on the curb, taking this picture.

saying goodbye Janissa2.png

My granddaughter is young. With a November birthday, she has always been one of the youngest in her class. And, her mother has always been very involved in her life. So, I worried, when she first went away to college. Would she make the transition to independent living? She'd be hundreds of miles away, at least a 6-hour car ride.

She settled in remarkably well at her new school, and she made friends in her first week. I won't say she sailed through freshman year. It took a while to get her sea legs, to learn how to balance school work and fun. But she did it. She finished that first year and when summer came got a job, her first real job, at a local outdoor eatery. She worked hard there. Here she is, cleaning up after work.

janissa at work.png

I was very proud of her, and reassured. Not only had she successfully finished her first year at college, but she had made a very good social adjustment. When she got a job, she applied herself 100%. Her boss told her she could always come back and work there. This adaptability I think is as important as any academic work she does.

Now it is two years after that early morning packing in August of '22. She has not only completed two years of college successfully, but she also feels in command of her academic material, and confident in her ability to handle whatever comes her way.

Here she is arriving at the airport in the UK. The airline broke her suitcase, and my daughter's suitcase. The two women had to buy new luggage.

janissa at airport.png

Yesterday my granddaughter sent me a picture that showed her with her new 'friends' at a sport bar. There were quite a few young people in the picture. They all looked ready to meet the future, and have a good time.

I won't share that picture with you, but I will share a few more of the trip my daughter and granddaughter just completed. The Isle of Man has a long history. It is said to have formed about 8000 years ago. The first human inhabitants arrived about 6500 years ago. Those inhabitants, it is believed, came from Ireland, as the Isle of Man sits midway between Ireland and the UK. The Isle of man is not part of the UK. It is a self-governing Crown dependency.

One thing my daughter noticed about the island was the great number of boats that seemed not to be in use. It was explained to her by a local resident that the island used to be a center of fishing, but that the fish stock was depleted in the waters around the island. Also, I read that the Isle of Man used to be a hot spot for contraband, where goods were shipped to escape taxation.

Here is a picture that captures what she seems to have observed about the boats at anchor. I believe this picture was taken in Peel.

boats in peelmaybe unused.png

My daughter and granddaughter visited Peel Castle, In Peel. Construction of this landmark began more than 700 years ago. Here is a picture of my granddaughter in front of the massive castle.

janissa peel castle.png

My granddaughter has settled in her new dorm now, and is adjusting to her new circumstance. She has embarked on an adventure, by herself.

My daughter was also on her own, as she started her trip home. She returned to London to spend her final day in Europe. There she contemplated the significance of her journey. She spent that day, at least 8 hours of it, riding a bicycle through various London parks. Here is a picture of the bike she rented.

London bicycle.png

The picture above is almost as symbolic as the picture that showed my granddaughter astride the cliffs at the beginning of this blog. My granddaughter has taken flight. My daughter's job now is to get on with life, to support her child when necessary and to encourage her to become as independent as possible.

I'm proud of my two young women. I hope you enjoyed meeting them today.

Thank you for reading my blog. Hive on!

All pictures were taken by family members and are used her with their permission.


I have no idea at all as to why I’m crying, but I am. I’m such a sop! Oh, I love the independent women you’ve created, nurtured and given wings to. I hope they fly well against the sun (rain, snow and rainbows).
Much luv dearest @agmoore


Thank you my friend, @itsostylish. You are kind. Oh, I was such a flawed parent, but my daughter wasn't. I don't know why my kids don't hold all the stuff I did wrong against me.

My daughter and granddaughter are strong women. And they are kind--biggest hearts. I try not to worry about them, but I guess you can't have a full life without taking risks.

Hope all is well at you home. 🕊🌻

What a wonderful legacy you have in your daughter and granddaughter. They are lucky to have you, and you them. It's lovely to pass the baton, and yet so bittersweet and heartbreaking when they actually take it and carry on, isn't it? But wait!! We always have more we want to share. And of course if we could only wrap them in bubble wrap to protect them and prevent the inevitable life bruises! You've done well with them, @agmoore, and you should be very proud.

if we could only wrap them in bubble wrap to protect them

Oh yes! She is making plans to meet friends in France between summer and fall session. I won't let my daughter talk about it yet, because it scares me ;))

So precious, and yet, like a mother duck, we have to let our little ones learn to cross the street, learn to swim.

Thanks so much for your kind and insightful comment, @jayna. One mother (though not yet grandmother for you, I believe) to another.

This is a very symbolic post in which you share with us some of the experiences of your daughter and granddaughter, as well as the bonds they maintain. Undoubtedly, the fact that your daughter and granddaughter have achieved goals and objectives shows that you have done a great job as parents, with virtues and defects everything adds up, it is something that is present in all family groups.

I hope your granddaughter doesn't have many problems and manages to adapt well to the change, I know she will, as in the little you describe she is strong in what she sets out to do. Big hugs @agmoore, hope you have a good week.

with virtues and defects everything adds up, it is something that is present in all family groups

I made so many mistakes. I wish I had been more patient, more disciplined. But my children lived through it OK. And my daughter was a great mother. I can't relive or redo those years :))

With all my mistakes, the one thing she never doubted (and my granddaughter never doubted) was love. I think that's the secret sauce that makes up for our flaws, if we're lucky.

Thanks so very much for your good wishes. I worry about my granddaughter's safety, but need to trust in good fortune and her good sense.

Rains here have been quite severe-- a lot of flooding, although this has not affected me personally. I hope you and your family are well. Warmest regards and hugs, my friend @abneagro.

College is always a hassle😂😂

She's older than me in age yet I'm in my 3rd year in college.
Independence is a funny thing, especially when so far away from home.
In a way I envy her as I'm kinda stuck with my family as I go through college😂😂

I can 80% guarantee that the room wouldn't be that neat😂😂😂

You are so young, and yet so very bright. That's why I know you are going to have a great future. I didn't go away to college either. She got a scholarship to help with expenses, for college and for this trip so that made it more doable.Hello @seki1.

As for the room, I agree with you...except, 100% it will not be that neat :))

The rules of life, at some point children take their own flight. I wish the best of success to your beautiful granddaughter, this experience will help her grow!
I imagine you must be missing her already. I miss my daughter every day! Do you have more grandchildren?

Thank you, dear @mballesteros. It is the way of life.

She is my only grandchild. All the more precious :)) I have two children and one grandchild.

I do miss her, but she always stays in touch. A sweetheart.

A very wholesome family and granddaughter! I'd never worry about kids like that adapating. I was a total loner in my first year and struggled with, of all things, bullies lol. Not really punching me or talking to me but kind of scoffing at me, whispering like 'Go back to rock school' and such.

Second year is when I really landed and found my voice. I mean, I'm still a loner lol but under my terms.

I'm sure this doesn't need to be said but if you or she needs any help in the UK, gimme a nudge! I'll hopefully be there in a few months too. Main advice though: Stay away from London! More dangerous now than it's ever been and getting rapidly worse, I hear.

Regarding: Isle of man is not part of the UK.

Always makes me chuckle. I mean, yeah its true, and I prefer them to officially not be, it's cool. I just think like... it kinda is part of the UK, if we're being real lol.

Ok hopefully they don't read this or they'll ban me from entry.

(PS: I'm aware my writing quality here is rock bottom, rushing to clock out and head home!)

'Go back to rock school'

OMG...what does that ever mean? Makes them sound like Neanderthals. I've never been a groupy, either. I think I found my voice early, because my family was always on the 'outside'--kind of a public scandal because we were so poor and yet part of a very important 'clan'. Respectable and unrespectable at the same time. A prescription for independence :))

Thank you for the offer to help if my granddaughter needs to be 'rescued'. I'm not likely to ever use that offer, but it's really great to hear it, and know that, hypothetically, help exists.

As for the Isle of Man; their website is defensively emphatic. Not part of the UK. Meanwhile, as my daughter traveled there she assumed she was traveling in the UK. I'm so happy you will be in the UK--I hope this means you and your wife finally will be allowed to immigrate.

Be happy my friend, @mobbs. It sounds as though you are.

Respectable and unrespectable at the same time.

Something we should all somehow strive to accomplish heh.

I'm not likely to ever use that offer

Yeah of course haha It's just a thing you say just in case some bizarre series of events happens - hopefully never!

their website is defensively emphatic. Not part of the UK

My lips are sealed...

Be happy my friend, @mobbs. It sounds as though you are.

More than I can remember - but it won't stop me complaining ;)

But, you too!

This is a wonderful love letter to your daughter and granddaughter, @agmoore. The depth of your heart for these two strong and brave, yet gentle, women is evident between the lines of this piece. I hope you are blessed to share each other's lives for many more years to come. I wish for you all the very best as you navigate life together, and apart, knowing that family is always at the heart, and, in time, will bring you back together around the same table. Sending you love 💗🙏

Thank you very much for your kind words. Yes, there is love. With all my flaws and weaknesses, that's the one glue that holds it all together I think. I guess that comes through in the blog.Hello my friend, @samsmith1971,

They are very strong, and gentle. Cannot pass a stray or abide a hurt person with indifference.

Thank you for the good wishes, for our present and future. It would be nice to see my granddaughter graduate from college. A modest ambition :)

Appreciating very much the love you send, and returning it. ♥️

It would be nice to see my granddaughter graduate from college. A modest ambition :)

Then on that, I shall pray 💗🙏


Congrats to all the mothers, present, past and future. Jobs well done! I't an exciting time for your all, a bit bittersweet.

Congrats to all the mothers

Yes, to all mothers. We stand on their shoulders, always. They are with us, in everything we do.

Thank you very much for reading and for your kind words. Have a great Friday, @owasco

Three generations of amazing women with a zest for life.

I loved meeting your two young women, and I think all three of you are taking flight; all three of you will have to adjust now that the road is beginning to fork. Hopefully, there's always a path that returns home and others that make us meet somewhere on the map.

The symbolism of some of the photos is intense; existence confronts us with so many obstacles, and it's a relief to be able to climb the rocks and see the horizon.

Best wishes to you all!

I'm so sorry for my late response. I remember reading this and thought I had answered. I guess I'm not perfect, @marlyncabrera.

Hopefully, there's always a path that returns home

It's hard for me to take my worry hat off. She (my granddaughter) is out there on her own and I can go crazy thinking of what might happen. I went through this with my daughter, and it doesn't get any easier. We can't wrap them in cellophane, and keep them safe, can we?

Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I am proud of them. I guess that comes through.

Hope there is peace for you today.

Hugs, AG

Brave girl is your grand daughter, the tour was very exciting for her. You have traveled to beautiful places and had many experiences.

Thank you, @momins. She is quite brave. I appreciate your comment.

In this way, by exploring a new place, one gets a special experience which is useful in the next life. I also wish to go to the world of mountains in the same way and see special things there. People are living the mountains are very beautiful.