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RE: My Granddaughter Takes Flight

in Family & Friends7 months ago

with virtues and defects everything adds up, it is something that is present in all family groups

I made so many mistakes. I wish I had been more patient, more disciplined. But my children lived through it OK. And my daughter was a great mother. I can't relive or redo those years :))

With all my mistakes, the one thing she never doubted (and my granddaughter never doubted) was love. I think that's the secret sauce that makes up for our flaws, if we're lucky.

Thanks so very much for your good wishes. I worry about my granddaughter's safety, but need to trust in good fortune and her good sense.

Rains here have been quite severe-- a lot of flooding, although this has not affected me personally. I hope you and your family are well. Warmest regards and hugs, my friend @abneagro.