Saludos a todos en la comunidad Family&Friends, hoy me uno a la Iniciativa navideña para compartir mi motivación para cumplir con las tradiciones navideñas, invito a participar a toda persona que quiera colaborar con un pequeño aporte de su publicación para que la comunidad encargada haga donativos a niños que desean celebrar estar navidad con un gran sonrisa en su rostros 🥰
Greetings to everyone in the Family&Friends community, today I join the Christmas Initiative to share my motivation to comply with Christmas traditions, I invite anyone who wants to collaborate with a small contribution from their publication to participate so that the community in charge can make donations to children who want to celebrate this Christmas with a big smile on their faces 🥰
A lo mejor va a sonar un poco repetido, pero mi mayor motivación para cumplir con las tradiciones navideñas es mi hijo Rafael de 8 años, el por qué es algo sencillo, antes de su llegada yo no celebraba la navidad, desde muy joven prefería quedarme en casa fuera de cualquier reunión social y familiar, cuando mi padre estaba con vida ambos nos quedábamos en casa, mientras mi mamá y mi hermana si asistían a reuniones familiares, en pocas palabras mi papá y yo éramos parecidos, éramos como el Grinch 😄, cuando mi papá falleció yo me quedé con el título oficial del Grinch de la familia así que tampoco celebraba, pero todo cambio con mi hijo.
Maybe it's going to sound a bit repetitive, but my greatest motivation to comply with Christmas traditions is my 8-year-old son Rafael, the reason is something simple, before his arrival I didn't celebrate Christmas, from a very young age I preferred to stay at home outside of any social and family gatherings, when my father was alive we both stayed at home, while my mother and my sister did attend family gatherings, in a few words my dad and I were similar, we were like the Grinch 😄, When my dad passed away I kept the official title of the family Grinch so I didn't celebrate either, but everything changed with my son.
My son's first years were the same at Christmas, we didn't do anything special, but as he grew up and understood this celebration due to television and school, we began to celebrate Christmas so that he could live those beautiful childhood experiences. Something that I made clear to him from the beginning is that I bought the gifts and that is why he has had enough maturity in his development to not be capricious or demanding with gifts and contrary to the opinion of many this did not stop him from nothing the joy or the excitement of receiving the gifts, every year he gets excited at this time and for me there is no greater reason than to see him smile.
Although Rafael does not eat meat and most of the typical Christmas dishes have that, we have been able to adapt and make our dinner in our own style, our gift delivery is on the 24th at night, my son helps put up the tree and assemble the manger with his grandmother @yole, when my nephews come he is very happy playing with them and he also loves wearing new clothes and getting nice and scented for the long-awaited dinner and gifts, we carry out our traditions in the tranquility of the home In a very intimate way, we don't go out to parties but we do go out at least once to see the lights and decorations in the squares because Rafael loves them, each family is different but I like to feel that I can make my son even happier at these times.
Espero les haya gustado. Les invito a leer mis próximas publicaciones y siempre estaré dispuesta a responder sus preguntas y comentarios, también pueden seguirme y contactarme en cualquiera de mis redes sociales. ¡Muchas gracias!
I hope you liked it. I invite you to read my next publications and I will always be willing to answer your questions and comments, you can also follow me and contact me on any of my social networks. Thank you!
Discord: irenenavarroart#0361

Siempre eres bienvenido 🤗