(Not a-) Happy Birthday to Me

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Unlike my usual post on this chain that talk about the games, today I would like to share about my birthday which not become a nice day at all ! Let's check it out !


Terrible Birthday

So, Yesterday is my birthday, and things were gone teribbly wrong ! It is supposed to be a fun day, because my wife had a plan to go for checking her blood for the pregnancy at the same place that I should get a free health examination cause there is a new program from the government that free the charge of the health examination for those that is having birthday. Things not go as planned, because we had a late night sleep the day before, and this cause my family woke up a little late. My office also had some kind of evaluation and I am part of the team even not on a high responsibility position. But still, I have some responsibility feeling to be there if my office needs me. Since my family yet woke up, I decide to prepare to go for work, where my office is just about 1 minutes from my place (on the same area). My wife suddenly see me and start asking, "what are you doing ? We are going for our plan, right ?" I said my boss are yet answering for the permission, so I thing I will finish my job on the office first, then go for the plan later, or we can just go on the next day. We had some argument but my wife is already disappointed and say I don't prioritize the family.

Long story short, I decide to keep on the plan, and borrow my friend's car to take my family to go. But my wife is giving me a silent treatment all day. I woke up my sons and took their bath, then prepared to go, but my wife just stay on the bed, not saying anything. We waste like 30 minutes just for me to keep asking her. She finally agree and we go as the plan. Our first destination is health facility, as soon as we arrive, we ask for what we need, but the officer said that they already prepared to close. Since it's friday, the working hours only up to 11 am, such a very short time ! I mean I also on the government but still need to work until 04.30 PM. But it is what it is, so our first plan should pended till the next day.

Next we are going for the next destination, going for a playground facilities and let our childrens fill their happiness tank. I actually think about go to the place where we can having all you can eat place as well, but I forgot that it supposed to be with 3 person that the promo is on, so we just go for the playground and bought some food there (yes they were having a mini resto on the playground). My wife still giving me a silent treatment, there is no happiness for both of us, except for the childrens. My body that having a little kind of flu, plus lack of sleeping time, and the bad feeling to the office (but I still attend via zoom, and cause my concentration is separated) makes me even have a worst vibes. We ended up got tired and back to home at 4 pm. My children sleep on the way back home, and woke up with bad feeling, and keep crying till we get home. Man, yesterday is the worst birthday I ever pass.

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Some picture of me and my son with an owl on an event at the mall.


Life Must Go On, Things Will Change

The day passed, and today my wife finally open her heart, we are good again, and going to the health facilities again. Today we are not missing the working hours. We arrived and finally get things done. Since the free health examination is a new program, they ask for documentation on every stage of it. They even ask me to wear the sash and get a picture with the happy birthday wall background 😅

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The picture that is taken by my wife

Turns out the examination is not everything, it is based on the screening and only for those they think needed is getting checked. I have some problem with my back and thigh, I also have a history of high gout, so I had a check for these two. They took my blood for checking the gout, and doing checking for my back and thigh. Plus, they also check my mouth cause I don't have a regular visit for the dental. My mouth is healthy enough to get any treatment, but for the blood result, still need time to wait. Everything seems better today than my birthday on yesterday. I guess it is just a bad day, not a bad life !


My Resolution on My 30

Well, I just hope my wife could have a safe pregnancy till our 3rd baby is born. We are on a try to get our own car, even some old car, at least we could easily go anywhere, cause our home is kinda far from the crowd and all facilities. It will get even harder to go out with motorcycle 😅 (That is the reason why I am doing Power down before, to get prepared for the birth and try getting the car).

For Hive, I wish I don't need to go for any powering down, so I could bulk my account into a bigger one this year. I also trying to get my assets grow on the Splinterlands, Moonkarts, and DCity.


One more, I found an information about a schoolarship from the aminef, I wish I could prepare for it, cause there is a one month extension time for apply for it. The problem is that my TOEFL test never pass the 550, My best score for the paper based is only 542. Structure is my lowest point, and I need to improve it. Any idea of improving it ? I mean I wrote almost everyday, but with the same wrong grammar. I think about using grammarly for evaluating my post before posting, for the correct grammar, but if I do it before posting, HW might punish me cause I feel like ever saw people got punish for that, so I think I should just use it after the post, just for my own learning.

If I really apply for it and accepted, I could have a chance to study in US for 2 years, get brand new experience, and maybe better life. Anyway, in Indonesia there is viral tag of #KaburAjaDulu , or translated as #JustRunAway as a public concern of our country situation on the new government. I personally think that there is some blunder from our government, and wish things would getting better soon. The study abroad's chance is like a on a very great timing if I could go for it. Should I go serious to chase it ?


What's Next ?

Well, I just think about keep getting better on my life. Be a better person, grow my hive account and on it's game, and probably getting better preparation for my wife birth and the schoolarship. I wish for a good things a head on my 30 even if it started with very bad day !

Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, wish you guys having a great day !

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Moon Karts : https://moonkarts.arcadecolony.com/ Splinterlands : https://splinterlands.com/?ref=ramadhanight Crownrends : https://crownrend.com/?ref=LGRYTMP54GKFG Genesis League Goals : https://goals.genesisleaguesports.com/

Put 3% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~


masih muda yoo baru 30

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Because they just got out of a prism.

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