Today is Monday, which means it’s Meatless Monday! Meatless Monday is a global movement that encourages people to skip meat and fish one day a week, particularly on Mondays. It has become well-known worldwide in recent years. I’ve been practicing Meatless Monday for about 10 years now.
I thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about Veganuary in today's post. Veganuary is a combination of “vegan” and “January,” encouraging people to try out a vegan lifestyle for the month of January.
This January, I spent an entire month living as a vegan for the first time. It was full of learning and realizations, and I plan to participate again next year. Starting this month, I’ve decided to write weekly posts every Monday about preparing for Veganuary and my experiences during the two months. Why not join me and try Veganuary even for a few days?
With just one month left until Veganuary, I’ve started to gradually shift my mindset towards veganism. Last weekend, I stayed at a hotel for a business trip and chose to skip eggs that weren’t from free-range hens. I still eat a bit of butter and cheese, but I’ll give those up entirely during Veganuary. It makes me question whether I really need butter and cheese produced at the expense of animals, often involving practices like separating calves from their mothers. On a positive note, I’m happy that German hotels often offer plenty of plant-based food options.
As part of the preparation for Veganuary, I recommend picking up an inspiring vegan cookbook if you love cooking. One of my favorites in Japanese is Paris no Saishoku Seikatsu (Vegetarian Life in Paris) by Maori Haas Murata. It’s an excellent resource, which I bought both digital and paper version afterwards.
Paris no Saishoku Seikatsu -
I recently saw one of Murata’s books in a German bookstore. It’s a cookbook focused on Japanese home cooking and is described as vegan-friendly on Amazon. There’s also an English edition available.
Another great resource is Vegetable Soups That Reset Your Body by Yoko Imai, which a friend brought me from Japan. I was so happy since the book doesn't have a digital version.
Aside from books, mental preparation can also be useful. For example, think about what to do when eating out with friends or having meals with family. Sometimes, small details can trip you up. Last year, I occasionally forgot to ask for plant-based milk when ordering coffee or hot chocolate at cafés 😅
Spending a month as a vegan might feel challenging, but why not try it for just a few days? Even if not everyone can become a full-time vegan, having 10 people practice veganism once a week can have a greater impact (more than one full-time vegan!). You might discover something interesting along the way.
Why not start small by making one meal vegan or vegetarian today for Meatless Monday?
Have a nice start of the week, everyone!
今日は月曜日ということで、ミートレスマンデーですね。ミートレスマンデー(Meatless Monday)は、月曜日にお肉や魚を食べない食生活を提案・実践する運動で、この数年で世界中で広く認知されるようになりました。私もかれこれ10年ほどミートレスマンデーをしています。
先日本屋さんで室田さんのドイツ語の本を見かけたので、来年はこれを買うのもいいななんて。日本の家庭料理の本で、Amazonの説明によるとヴィーガンフレンドリーとのこと。英語版もありました。 (英語版) (ドイツ語版)
I have been reading lots of recipes for making vegan cheese at home, with chickpeas or cashews as the base ingredient. There was also a good post on here about making brie cheese using cashews as the base. They looked appetising and good for sandwiches and cheese and tomato salads. Maybe I'll try some vegan butter and yoghurt this year 😍
That's nice. I'll read them. I see some vegan cheese products but quite a lot of chemical engineering so I would like to make my own with ingredients I know. Another interesting ingredient for veg cheese is Mochi, sticky rice cake. I'll try it 😉
I feel the same.
I've never heard about that! It's very interesting. Thanks for sharing with us :) I'm plant-based, but my relatives aren't, so maybe it could be a great way to start cutting back on meat.