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RE: Vacaction / Work / Life / Balance?

Thought provoking. I think many are driven for various reasons. Necessity. Guilt. Upbringing. Pressure. In my homesteading life the pressure to be busy is because lives literally depend on us. Animals. Some people. So vacation is something I do when I sleep. But then I also battle to switch off. Isn't it a funny thing that while your body may be on vacation your mind is in overdrive! Just when you get into the relax's time to go home! Hope you get some relax time. Hope the brain switches off a bit. Looks like a beautiful destination!


Necessity, being a homesteader I totally get, guilt, upbringing, pressure - those are the ones I am 'questioning'. Why do we feel guilt or pressure or were brought up this way? Don't get me wrong productivity in itself is a good thing IMO but - all the time?

I imagine homesteading to be both tough and rewarding in different ways. And vacation would be an absolute luxury to have once in a while. I do hope you'll be able to have a real, as opposed to 'sleep' :), vacation one day.

For me, it is now time to go home, leave my happy place the ocean & beach and go back to work on Monday. It wasn't a perfect vacation but I got to go to and spend time at my happy place. A time that I'll remember when stress hits again.

I hope things on the homestead are going well for you!!