Happy Mother's Day to You!

When memories start to fade, clip them back a bit... then provide food and water to the "cutting" while it is establishing roots.

I have a beautiful rose bush, right off my front porch where I can see it every time I leave the house. It was one of the last plants my mom gave me. She gave me many, but, that will always remain the last one. Over the years, there has been many swaps and given between us. She loved flowers, there was no doubt that we were responsible for the glow that washed over her face. I think of my mom today because it is Mother's Day and she was the most incredible mom ever! I think of how hard she worked, with nine kids, it was a given. I loved her and could see how she gave of herself, to us, my dad, her siblings, and neighbors, people in need. She had a beautiful heart.

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I never knew I could miss someone so much until one day I needed my mom and she wasn't there. Lest I sound like I am going off the deep end about my mom, I'm not. I loved her, crawled up into her hospital bed and hugged her, holding her hand until she died. She was the best and I do miss her, but I have so many things surrounding me that remind me of her. I was lucky to have her as a mother and I cherish all of the beautiful memories.

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My mom with the kids. I think they felt that same kind of love. They adored her, she was so fun to be with and she taught them practical things. How to knit, how to sew, then helped them make a quilt for me. She touched their hearts just like she touched mine. Tell me your best Mother story. Mothers just never get enough attention in print. What was the best trait you loved about your mother?

Today is a #BeautifulSunday by @Ace108, where we share our day in the most possibly beautiful way that we can. So having a day with the kids, breakfast in bed, flowers and dinner made for me, I guess I can call it a day, a definite #SublimeSunday in the making, by the Meister of my morning, @c0ff33a. I do love my @c0ff33 and he likes eclectic! A match made in heaven.


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Breakfast in bed for me! Of course, that means I will have some company with their coffee and crumbles. I have been promised a bed change, so I am thinking I have got the best deal. Did I say that I adore family? Mother's Day is so very special to me, to them. They get to spoil me and I get to accept it. :))

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There were flowers to be had. We know that there is #alwaysaflower I always get the prettiest flowers, they love to pick flowers, their favorites are something they can find outside, in the woods, in the garden and last choice is at the florist.

Ready for a hike? Let's go! Raise your hand if hiking is in your itinerary today?


We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.
Frederick Keonig

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! ❤️

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All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


I know. We were a little goofy. It was the first time she was in Las Vegas. If you don't gamble and you are in Las Vegas for a while, you have got to do something.

And just like that, this post is over, come back tomorrow and we will do it again! Don't forget to call your Mother!





The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

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happy Mothers day to you Denise :)

Thank you so much, Mick! :)) 😁

My mother did everything for us (for my brother and for me). She worked in her entire life. Even in her early pensioner age. Unfortunately she is not with (amongst) us anymore. She passed away because of brain tumor (cancer) on 2017.12.17. Exactly one week before Christmas. It was very sudden. She was fine in the summer. It all started in the autumn/fall. So the brain tumor (cancer) quickly took her. She was 64 years old.

I wish that I could have spent more time with her, and that I would have behaved better towards her. She deserved better. Both from the life and from me too.

Spent time with your mothers. Be kind, loving and helping to her. Kiss and hug her, while you can.

Happy mother's day to every mother.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much lpve from Hungary.

Thank you so much. I think we all have regrets, and the best we can do when someone has already passed is to make sure it never happens again.

I want to thank you for the Mother's Day wishes! I truly appreciate the thought. Have a wonderful day!

🌹Happy Mother's Day, Denise!🌹

I enjoyed the heart warming photographs from the family album you shared with us on this special day! Your mom lives on in your heart as well as in those who loved her.❤

I know I am lucky to have my mom alive and nearby, especially after the close calls we had last year with her falling and her breaking her right shoulder followed by needing to have open heart surgery when the TAVR procedure was unsuccessful. At almost 81 years old, every day is a blessing! 🙌👵💫

Be good to yourself today. Enjoy the pampering and love your lovely not-so-little kids are bound to shower you with! 💏


Happy Mother’s Day to some of my favorite people🌸🙏💜

Do the kids know how cool you both are?

And to all the Mothers out here on Hive 🙌

Cheers 🍾

You're a sweetheart, Gene! @geneeverett

Thank you for the Mother's Day well wishes and shout out!
Cheers! 🥂🍾🍸


You must be killin' it out here!
@ninahaskin just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @geneeverett.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

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Thank you so much, Gene! @geneeverett 💜

You never fail to celebrate your friends! That is one of the nicest things about you.

Cheers! To you!

hand shot 2.jpg

Thank you so much, Nina! My mom was older when she passed away and I am still amazed how they can go from healthy to no in no time at all. Okay, I realize how, but still, it takes you by surprise.

I will be good to me as you should be good to you and those not-so-little-kids have planned an amazing day. That Mother's Day card was from my son last year. The store where he buys cards was closed, so he chose to draw his own and send it to me. :))

Thanks for the luv and the lady tokens!

Happy Mother's Day to you!

Thank you, Denise! 💕

Every moment in this life is a blessing. I am glad your mom lived a full life and got to spend time with her grandkids.

There's something extra special about homemade cards and crafts our children make that pulls on the heartstrings. Be it from decades ago or only yesterday, I cannot throw them away.

Enjoy your Mother's Day!

I know! I am the same. I have a small trunk for each with memories that they can take with them.

Happiness is homemade. ❤️

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@ninahaskin, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @dswigle and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/3 calls)

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Thank you for the token!

Happy mother's day Denise, I hope you have a nice day.

Thank you so much, Galen! @galenkp I had a really wonderful day with the breakfast in bed, dinner made for me, and the best company one could have on Mother's Day.

It was a perfect day for a perfect day. We know how rare those are. 💚

That seems very good indeed, and a good way to spend the day; I'd say you did very well for sure.

Thank you. I hope you are doing well too. Oh, you have already started on the new week.

You are truly an overachiever. ;)

I'm well, excited about a new venture as per one of my recent posts, lunched and coffee'd up and almost done with Monday (it's 13:00 here) so...Feeling pretty good.

I'm on borrowed time right this second but I ran over to read and I guess I just couldn't believe my eyes. I'm so excited for you and I think it is incredible to have something like that just show up at your door. You sound pretty excited in it sounds like a great opportunity, and all the perks that go with it makes it all the sweeter. I am so sorry that I have not been very available to anybody here but just know that I am very very happy for you and I wish you well. I didn't see a starting date but I'm pretty sure it's soon. I hope that you don't have to change those patients because you're so settled right where you are and so is Cleo! Just kidding. I'm really happy for you. You deserve it.

I figured you were busy elsewhere, it happens.

This new gig will work out well I think, that's the plan anyway, and I'll do what I can to make it so. I'll have a little more freedom, but at the same time will need to apply myself fairly well, a balance I don't mind.

Happy mother's day to you ma

Thank you so much! That is so kind of you! I hope you are having a wonderful day as well!

Feliz día de las madres to you, lovely @dswigle . Hope you received all the warm and love from your loved ones yesterday, and hope you receive it everyday of your life . That's such a cute picture of your kids and mamá. All I have to say about mother's love (being away from her for almost three years now) is that it is irreplaceable, one of the kind (not reinventing the wheel with this, but life slowly or suddenly shows you that it is like that). Greetings

Thank you and so very, very true! It is absolutely irreplaceable and nothing and nobody can ever take her place.

I hope you are doing well and life has been good for you.

Look!! Everything is growing and beautiful!

Yes, it is quite beautiful outside !

Happy Mothers Day🎉

Your Mother sounds such a special person and is a good part in why you are such a kind caring and giving person that you are

Sounds like your having a lovely Mother’s Day



You are always so kind to me. Thank you so much, JJ @tattoodjay

I hope you had a wonderful day with Lulu and the kids. Give her a Happy Mother's Day shout-out from me! 💙

We did have a nice quiet day thanks
And me kind never I just say it as I see it

We did have a nice quiet day thanks
And me kind never I just say it as I see it

Aww, that is such a nice tribute to your mom... Heartwarming read. Moms are special. Moms are awesome. Happy Mother´s Day, Denise! Greetings from Prague :)

@tipu curate 2

Moms are always so special - and beautiful... And thank you so much for taking the time to send me the special wishes... all the way from Prague! Someone went to see their mom!!!!

Have fun, take pictures, especially of Old Town and thank you for the tipu!!! You are so awesome! 💛

Thank you :) We actually moved here.

Goodness! You really have Gone full circle! I cannot believe that I missed that event, but in the last month I have missed so much I feel like I'll never catch up. As you can see I have been on here much less than normal but hopefully that will change. I am so happy for you and Tammy and although you knew that I loved Krakow, I love Prague just as much for different reasons. I look forward to you escorting us around the city. I hope things in life have been changed so much that you had to move back home but just like everything else, I will wait for the story to unfold. Thank you so much for updating me!


Thank you :) Yeah, it does feel like completing this little circle, we actually even ended up in the same neighborhood here in Prague where we started when came here for the first time more than a decade ago... Oh and take it easy, I have been lately missing so many posts and happenings here on the chain as well. Cannot wait to get back to my routine :) Thanks again, have a lovely day!

Thank you so much @phortun !!!

Happy Mother's Day Denise.

Such a sweet tribute to your Mom !

Hope you have a wonderful day.

My mom deserves so much more, honestly. She was amazing. ❤️

Thank you for the Mother's Day wishes and yes! I did have a great day, although breakfast in bed plus a few extras in it? A little more spills than needed, but, I got clean linen out of it and I didn't even have to do it!

That was a win!

Two things in life: Clean jammies and clean sheets. The rest is nonessential. LOL

The day was wonderful. Thank you! I hope you got to Mom's and had a most awesome time! ❤️


I'm glad you had a sweet day.

It was a little quite at Mom's on Sunday, because it was loud on Saturday for her birthday. She did get double presents from some that had other Mother things to do on Sunday. She probably liked it a little quieter I'm thinking.

Such a gift to have a good Mother.

It was and thank you so much. I was privileged to have such a great mom and you are blessed to still have that great mom! ❤️

What a really nice way to remember your mom. Happy Mothers Day!

Thank you so much, Victor @wwwiebe My mom was so cool. She ice-skated with all of us kids on the pond at the back of our property. She taught us how to ski. She just did all sorts of niceties to us and all of those around her. She was an amazing woman. In so many ways, you are the very same kind of father, and I think your boys will always and forever remember how cool (and not so cool) you are.

Thank you for the wishes! 💙

Happy mothers day to you @dswigle, I hope you have a lovely day full of flowers, cup cakes and Earl Gray tea.

Becca 💗

Oh, you really get me, don't you? :))

It was a perfect day, Becca @becca-mac ! Breakfast in bed would have been enough for me, but, they spoiled me today. I am not sure there is any coming back from this! 💜

I hope your day was awesome and your week starts off without a hitch!

OK, it's official: @dswigle is ruined for good...but in a good way.😍

Hehe! That is fine by me! Bring it on! 😍

Happy Mother’s Day to you! Beautiful roses to cheer you up every day! I have not been very lucky with family life. Too many lost opportunities and much wasted time, complications and difficulties abound! But I turned out the best in my family, some guardian angels were looking after me.

I am so happy to hear that. I think we don't have any say in how our young life is led, we can only move along with it.

We all have a lot of opportunities, the older generation had pride that leads them around, instead of giving in with grace.

I think you turned out great from what I can see from here!

I hope you have a great week ahead!

Thank you very much for your kind support.
I am on the train which is strangely full of passengers! The staff told me that we have just opened the country and our borders yesterday. So! I hope more tourists would be coming to Thailand.

I am blessed to have my mother alive and I enjoy her whenever I can. Today we will have lunch together at my house.

Happy Mother's Day to you, dear Denise. May you get lots of pampering today. After all, we deserve it, don't we?🤗🌻

That is so nice!! I am so happy that you enjoy and spend time with her whenever you can. I did too and I am so glad that I did. What did you make for lunch? :)

Thank you for the wishes! I did get pampered and I feel so very spoiled right this moment! I am so glad you had a wonderful day! 💚

We had Polvorosa de Pollo. It is a typical dish of Venezuelan cuisine, specifically from Caracas. It is similar to a chicken pot pie, but the dough is different.

I'm glad you were spoiled and enjoyed the day. Have a lovely week :)♡

 2 years ago  


Thank you for the upvote, Wes! @wesphilbin

Mother is one of the closest people in the world. Today, on Mother's Day, I wish all the mothers of the world to be happy and well. Happy Mother's Day.

Thank you so much for the wonderful wishes! That is so very kind of you!


On Mother's Day, I would like to pay tribute to all the mothers. Have a nice day

Thank you! That is so kind of you... a very nice gesture. Thank you again! Have a wonderful day!

Unfortunately my mom is no more but she will always in my heart till the rest of my life. I wish all the mothers in this world have a long life with their children. Every mother is beautiful and the photo you've shared is precious.

Thank you, that is so very kind of you. They are lovely thoughts.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

I hope the same for you dear, thanks for sharing such sweet photograph from your archive, I love seeing photos from the past, it holds memories that I like most.


Thank you, my lovely!!! I love it when it is a shout-out! Feel exciting! ❤️

Happy Mother's day to you and every other mom. When I came across this post, I realized that most people see reasons to celebrate their moms. Moms are very sacrificial in nature they've got a big heart. My mom is not an exception, we call her super Mom, while trying to bring out the best from us, she makes sacrifices to see us through the paths of life. Mothers are worth celebrating. Happy mother's day once again, to every mother around the world.

Thank you! Mother's Day is truly such a special day, I love celebrating Mom's worldwide!

Have a great night!

Beautiful rose 🥰

Thank you!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 104 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks for the repost @pixresteemer ! Much appreciated!

Happy mother's day @dswigle

I look back at my life, I can see a touch of my mum in every good virtue. Women are nation builders. God bless every mother

Thank you very much. Mothers certainly make a huge impact.

Have a great day!

Great post about family @dswigle

Account Curator of the Family & Friends community thanks you for sharing your experiences and stories about your loved ones.

Congratulations, A big Hug


Thank you! It was my pleasure!


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Mothers are precious, incomparable and forever loving.

I couldn't agree more!

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happy mother's day to mom @dswigle

Thank you!