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RE: Happy Mother's Day to You!

I'm on borrowed time right this second but I ran over to read and I guess I just couldn't believe my eyes. I'm so excited for you and I think it is incredible to have something like that just show up at your door. You sound pretty excited in it sounds like a great opportunity, and all the perks that go with it makes it all the sweeter. I am so sorry that I have not been very available to anybody here but just know that I am very very happy for you and I wish you well. I didn't see a starting date but I'm pretty sure it's soon. I hope that you don't have to change those patients because you're so settled right where you are and so is Cleo! Just kidding. I'm really happy for you. You deserve it.


I figured you were busy elsewhere, it happens.

This new gig will work out well I think, that's the plan anyway, and I'll do what I can to make it so. I'll have a little more freedom, but at the same time will need to apply myself fairly well, a balance I don't mind.