Absolutely on the clear dish, right? I need to see if it is cooking or sopping up the gravy!
There is just something delicious about golden crust. Yum! Thanks for stopping by!
Absolutely on the clear dish, right? I need to see if it is cooking or sopping up the gravy!
There is just something delicious about golden crust. Yum! Thanks for stopping by!
I'm feeling the !LUV. Great to hear from you again 😀
I have no idea how you get so much done. I'm always behind!
I left you some flowers on Always a Flower just cause 😀
Have a great day
Thank you! I left you wanting the pizza I am making! :)
That's funny you mentioned pizza as I ordered one in today. An artisanal one that cost a few limbs. The mini spicy pepperoni and fennel oil makes it something to remember.
Bon Appétit on yours.
This turned out fabulous. You know how to make a good !PIZZA.
Out of curiosity, do you use a pizza stone or screen? I can't remember your method.
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@buffalobison
Thanks for the luv!