I guess we all need to do what feels right, my post wasn't designed to make people feel bad about how they run their lives, just get them to think about how it rolls with a view to make better decisions I guess.
I do nothing too, but it's not an aimless do nothing, it's something I've decided to do: a shut-down, or some such thing. Planned nothingness. Having said that, my life is very busy and complicated so I need to apply structure and form to it.
I think it's important to feel engaged with life no matter what it looks like for the individual and if you're doing that, and are content with it, then I'd say you're living the way you wish. Of course, I'm a continual improvement guy so am always looking for it.
I really didn't take it personal, I was just having a little fun.
Having an analytical brain means no matter how slow my body may be going, there is no slow down in my head, always figuring something out in there. I won't really say I am content with it all the time though. I really never dealt with lack of motivation before. It can be weird.
Oh ok, I wasn't sure, thanks for letting me know.
The motivation thing (lack of it) is something that ( I believe) comes to all of us at some stage and we all deal with it differently, For me, I tend to plan very small and achievable tasks and as I tick them off I tend to gain momentum and set larger and larger ones; before long I'm back on track. It works for me.