Time to spend


Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away.

- Marcus Aurelius -

I'm often amazed at the way people spend time; I mean what they do with their allotted time and how wasteful some are with it. It seems to be those who have not realised how precious it is, how easily it can be snatched away, and how terrible the regret that comes from understanding their time was unwisely and unproductively is that are most callous with time, one of the most precious commodities a human being has.

I'm watching someone waste time at the moment; the person acts in ways they probably know (deep down) compromises their personal integrity, burns time in negative and unproductive ways and which almost certainly has an adverse effect on their state of mental health. It's a choice of course and it's no one's job to arrest the backslide...no one that is, except the person themselves, but like with many time-wasters the person isn't enlightened enough to see their actions as wasteful and so the wheel will turn, time will be wasted and their actions will work to their detriment.

Life can move pretty quickly; I had a reminder of this today when a friend (not the person I refer to above) was diagnosed with a terminal illness and given under twelve months to live; sure, the doctors could be wrong but it's unlikely in this case and that means the clock is ticking towards, essentially, a known point in time at which moment it'll stop forever. I wonder what that person will do with those months, what actions, attitudes and thoughts will occur and I wonder if that person will begin to look back on almost forty seven years of life and see wasted time in the past.

I'm catching up in person with them over the weekend and I assume there'll be conversation around those things and more and knowing the person as I do feel that, after some initial wobbly moments, a way forward will be found and followed but what about others who are not as strong-willed or pragmatic? Maybe, for instance, that other individual I mentioned earlier who spends time in negative, unproductive and wasteful ways as if time is endless; I can only assume there'll be a reckoning.

As people get older they begin to think differently about time I think, I'm one hundred and sixty three and I certainly do...the time one has tends to get used in increasingly better ways; but with so many resources available to younger people, so many lessons all around, it confuses me why they don't learn, don't find better, more efficient and effective ways to proceed.

Have you had experiences with time wasting, your own time or someone else's? Why do people do it even though there's so many examples of why not to? Have you determined you've wasted time in your life and made a change? If so when, how and why? feel free to comment below if you've got any thoughts.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own


Of all the things I have wasted in my life, time is the most valuable by far. Money, relationships, opportunities all pale in comparison to time. I am getting older and I sure do realize it now. Not sure I can go fast enough to catch up lol

Most will probably come to that decision eventually, some never. I guess the good part is there's always the ability to catch up, attempt to at least, and changes can be made.

Stop talking about me ! ha ha

Lazy is a word I would have never used to describe myself in my younger and middle life years. Now though, that's how I feel sometimes. I'm not sure it wouldn't take a book to describe all the ways I see it though. More times than not, I feel very unmotivated. I do the essentials, work, feed myself, take care of what HAS to be taken care of, but in-between I sometimes waste a whole lot of time doing nothing important. In the moment, I "think" I am going to do the next thing in just a few moments, but something inside me tells me I have plenty of time to get it done, so I don't feel an inner push ! I do understand I could drop out of this life at any moment, so I am aware that I may NOT really have plenty of time, but knowing that doesn't really help motivate me.

I sometimes affectionately say I have "fairy tale" brain. I'm pretty sure it has to do with low level anxiety that showed up after midlife (hormone changes and all of that). I don't like the feeling that being pushed gives me now, so when I'm chillin I feel much more content.

Who knew?? I would have never pictured myself like this. Just one more thing you don't get to know till your life changes in ways you never dreamed.

I guess we all need to do what feels right, my post wasn't designed to make people feel bad about how they run their lives, just get them to think about how it rolls with a view to make better decisions I guess.

I do nothing too, but it's not an aimless do nothing, it's something I've decided to do: a shut-down, or some such thing. Planned nothingness. Having said that, my life is very busy and complicated so I need to apply structure and form to it.

I think it's important to feel engaged with life no matter what it looks like for the individual and if you're doing that, and are content with it, then I'd say you're living the way you wish. Of course, I'm a continual improvement guy so am always looking for it.

I really didn't take it personal, I was just having a little fun.

Having an analytical brain means no matter how slow my body may be going, there is no slow down in my head, always figuring something out in there. I won't really say I am content with it all the time though. I really never dealt with lack of motivation before. It can be weird.

Oh ok, I wasn't sure, thanks for letting me know.

The motivation thing (lack of it) is something that ( I believe) comes to all of us at some stage and we all deal with it differently, For me, I tend to plan very small and achievable tasks and as I tick them off I tend to gain momentum and set larger and larger ones; before long I'm back on track. It works for me.


Man is often his own worst enemy. Why? Because he consumes the greatest resource given to him by God. He wastes minutes of his life on banal, irrelevant and unimportant activities...

47 years... Just as old as I am.
I remembered now the saying of my former, older colleague.
Whenever we talked about ages, who is how old, he would say: "It doesn't matter how old you are, but how many years you have left".
Since you don't know how long it is, whether it's this evening, the next day, the next month, the next year, a decade or another half a century, every day when you wake up, accept the day gifted by God and live it filled with beautiful and important things.

A few years ago, I realized what was a "waster" of my time and removed it from my life. "Funny clips" from YouTube channels, which were posted by thousands of authors, consumed a lot of my time.
I logged out of the account and invested some of the time in reading and writing posts, which I share with you here. I get to know your thoughts, I get to know new locations, new cultures and customs, I enjoy the beauty of the landscapes you paint... and I share some of my thoughts and life events with you.
Much better time spent than on funny clips from the YouTube channel.

I agree with the live each day ethos you mention as it leaves less chance of there being regrets later on; of course, we can only act in the moment commensurate to who and what we are and know at the time...so years later it's possible that regrets will form when looking backwards on years earlier.

I like your logged off strategy. Sure it can be entertaining looking at those videos but there could well be better ways to spend time, as you have clearly discovered. Well done.

I think as we grow older and gain a lot of experiences, when we look back, it is inevitable to think that we wasted a lot of our time. Hindsight does that a lot of time. I shouldn't have played all those video games when I was younger. I should have done sports instead of reading all those comic books, etc. But let us not forget the butterfly effect. If you didn't do a lot of the things you regret, sure there might be a lot of things better in your current life, but you could also have missed out on meeting your best friend, or your wife, or the mistakes that made you who you are.

I'm not saying one should continue wasting their life not exercising, not eating healthy, and not taking care of themselves. What I am suggesting, is not to be too hard on oneself. Learn from your mistakes and make the changes you can now. If you are going to make decision, make sure that it is the best one you can make with the knowledge you have now, so that in the future, you shouldn't have regrets.

Everyone is responsible for themselves and must also pay the consequences of their actions, or failures to act, so in the end it's very unique to the individual when it comes to time-wasting. Of course, as you say, hindsight is 20/20 vision and it's easy to see what should have happened from that perspective. Having said that, there's always room for better choices I think.

I agree. Hopefully we can make the better choices because of our experiences.

We? You and I? I reckon we can, and have probably made many good ones in the past also.

We, as in me, and humankind as a whole. I can include you in that too if you want haha

It's been said I'm from another planet...I never deny it. 😂

About time and missed opportunities, I think I have said something before. I also told you that I am in a moment of change, I don't have so much time left to rectify. That's why I didn't think of writing anything. I am just writing to tell you that I am sorry that your friend is so ill. Best regards

Thanks for your comment and kindness towards my friend; it's a difficult situation and we're all quite gutted.

It's ok that you chose to not comment generally, I understand.

I hope your week is travelling well.

 last year  


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Yup, it can be frustrating sometimes to watch people wasting their own time. But mostly I have seen my rich friends wasting a lot of times because they say they have nothing to do in life. I am confused by their answers, is money capable of making you do nothing? So if you have enough money, you can waste your time?

I think it's probably best to focus on oneself and move towards better outcomes from that perspective; others will often do what they want to do irrespective external influences.

I'm so sorry about your friend, I know how you feel... my aunt was diagnosed with cancer 3 months ago... I only found out about it a fortnight ago. She is undergoing chemotherapy.... but I don't know what will happen....

I wonder the same as you... they had plans, projects but my aunt and uncle didn't take advantage of the time, they didn't do anything and now this... but they are very closed people and if I try to talk like I once did .... it will be a fight. And I don't want that.

There are just people who think they are in the truth and they won't change.

Yes, I have wasted my time at times, the slaps of life made me react and I reversed that problem and now my time is very valuable and I make the most of it!

Big hug Galen!

I liked the comment about people thinking they're living their truth, delusion causes this sometimes, and also a genuine belief that it is so. Either way, we can only rule what we do personally; some persist in wasting their time and mental health, others do not.

Exactly, I can only decide for myself, I wanted to help but there was no room for my comment. I will concentrate on me.

This is one of the biggest frustrations of chronic illness. Time is slipping away, I have stuff to do, but physical and mental obstacles are sometimes insurmountable.

I agree with you, and that's a whole other angle to it, the fact that sometimes time slips by even though we don't want it to and actively work to counter it due to an illness or some external factor. I think that would sit worse with me to be honest, at least one can positively affect time-wasting if it's self imposed.

Furthermore, to the outside observer of invisible illness, there is no obvious difference between wasting time and being trapped. I have always had a family member who seems unable to comprehend this.

Even with an unknown amount of time ahead of me, I often think about time I have wasted in the past. It's just part of the healthy process of growing old I think. How much you dwell on that stuff is where it shifts from healthy to unhealthy. Time just goes by so fast. Even more so as you get older. I was filling out a survey the other day and I had to stop for a second when it got to the part about age and I realized there was only one category above where I am right now and about five categories below. Talk about a punch in the gut!

I agree, and probably that acknowledgement of it leads to a better use of it from that point. Enlightenment often comes late, and for some not at all.

Indeed, you should know better, of course. 😀 You talk of enlightenment as though you'd be a heroic Jedi (which you obviously are not). You should talk about Sith, you seem on par with many elements of their sadistic and cruel nature.

Age is a mere number... Sometimes one should not be that concerned with it. It's the mood inside which can make you younger even at a physically heightened age, so to put it. The essential is to always be thankful, loving, and nice to the right people in life (and to give a little bit when you can as well). Many blessings and all the best! 🙂

I definitely feel more like a kid than I do an adult a lot of times. I know I probably have fewer years in front of me than I do behind me though.

That's wonderful! The secret of genius is to take care of the inner child/kid and bring it with him in the adult age/or heightened physical age (old is sometimes a term which does not resonate with me when describing this). That's brilliant and this is the way that it should be. Feeling like a kid in adult age is the mark of a genius, so you should be proud of it, certainly! Many blessings and plenty of beautiful experiences here and beyond!

I once felt awful about meeting someone. For me, almost three years were completely pointless and a waste of my time. Since then, I no longer want to waste my time meeting the wrong people. It is not time for me to have fun like I did when I was younger. If only I could turn back time, I might choose the other person who genuinely cares about me.

Sometimes it's those things you mention that occur that help us find a path forward to better things.

You're absolutely correct 💯 @galenkp !! Sometimes the difficulties we face turn out to be a blessings in disguise. They can teach us great lessons and point us in the direction of progress and better things.

P/S : Has someone downvoted your comments?

I think there's much to be learned through adversity, not least of which is how to lessen the risk of it occurring again although that's not always possible.

So far, I have been trying to avoid it. I have built a high wall that I know nobody can bring down. I suppose that is how I cope with my feelings towards others. However, I see this as an opportunity to do what is best for myself. My spirit is focused on loving myself and keeping busy with work and my kids.

Indeed, that's quite correct, that and staying away from idiots or assholes. That works wonders as well! 😊

P.S. I forgot to mention brutes or hypocrites, but it goes without saying concerning someone. 🙂

P.S. I forgot to mention brutes or hypocrites, but it goes without saying concerning someone. 🙂

Haha, @vikthor I know it's hard for them to digest. I recall there's a person who used to deny the existence of God, but now this person use His name. There are many characteristics of their hypocrisy that are evident. But they are not aware of it.

For me, it's enough to witness these kind of attitude. It's a big red flag that we should avoided. When I tried to remember it back, I feel that these people are only try to fit accordingly to what they believe.

It's even worse when they try to humiliate you and bring you down to the lowest level, thinking that's the best they can do. But in reality, it's the opposite. Their own lives are miserable, yet they say that yours is worse. This kind of people will never want to see you happy.

And other than hypocrite, people who are fond of lying to me, are not to be trusted, and I will never believe a single story they tell. This is because it has become their habit to live through deception. I wasted my time through this person deception, and I am well aware of how this person stoops so low just to live a life full of lies.

If there would be a 1000% vote button, I would wholeheartedly vote your very beautiful and accurate comment, I truly mean it! I couldn't agree more! I don't know why some people would resort to lies and deception in their relationships with others... ultimately they will have nothing to gain, not that gain in itself would be something that you should seek first and foremost when relating to your fellow men, but they are not that intelligent either. I am very sad for your your negative experience and I truly hope that won't ever happen to you again with any other person similar to the previous one which you described. I truly wish you all the best, a wonderful Christmas, and many blessings throughout this month! Much respect, take care, and stay safe! 🙂

It's okay. What happened to me, I see it as the worst experience in my life. Even though many may have deceived me, it wasn't as bad as this. For me, don't trust sweet words too much, and it's better to be aware that people like this definitely have red flags, which I realized early on but pretended to be blind to judge them, because I was swept away by their sweet words.

However, after that incident, I became more cautious. Until now, I'm not in a hurry to be with anyone else. I'm not that desperate to continue being with someone else. I have my own pride that I should think of. It's very difficult for me to trust anyone. So it's better for me to focus only on what's more important in my life.

Thank you so much for your insightful comment. I feel that there are still many men out there who think like you because it's all about self-respect and honor. I hope that your days are always blessed and thank you for everything. 🙏🤗

I am very sad once again for your negative experience, no one deserves this... and this is how trust keeps on shrinking in other people. I've been there myself on more than one occasion and I know hot excruciatingly bad and painful it can be, hence I can definitely relate... You are very correct when referencing seemingly sweet words: it's very important to delineate seemingly sweet words (which are fake) from real ones, which can be even plain and neutral sometimes, but at least their are truthful and honest (and not sugar coating for who knows what nasty underlying or hidden wants).

It's also better to be alone or single than to be in a disastrous relationship or a dysfunctional one (which ends nowhere and becomes non-functional and very toxic along the way). Respecting one's boundaries and privacy is key to any healthy relationship. At the same time, red flags shouldn't ever be ignored. Healthy relationships, both ways, are very important if people are straightforward, understanding, and respectful to each other so that those flags shouldn't multiply. All the best once again and much respect! Have a very beautiful time here on Hive and beyond! And thank you so much once again for your warm wishes! The very same to you! 😊

That is a very wise decision indeed. I know very well how it feels and how deeply it can hurt because I've definitely been there on more than one occasion, unfortunately, and I have the utmost empathy for anyone who had previously been there. I am very sorry for your negative experiences which you didn't deserve and I truly hope you will meet better people and have better relationships! Many blessings, take care, stay safe, and all the best! 🙂

Thank you so much for your warm thoughts and understanding. It means a lot to me that you can relate to my experiences.

Feeling disappointment in relationships is never easy to deal with, but I believe we can learn from them and grow. I appreciate your sympathy and well wishes.

I genuinely hope that in the future, both of us will find the happiness and love we deserve. Many blessings to you as well, and please take care, be safe, and have a fantastic adventure ahead of you! 🤗🙏

Absolutely, you are very right indeed... Sometimes the harshest wisdom in life comes from past negative experiences from which you can learn, grow, mature, evolve, and guide and/or relate to other people in an empathetic way so that they won't feel alone (because they are not, definitely). Life is not perfect nor is anyone, but we can try to be as respectful and as loving to each other even after we were severely damaged or hit by those we previously loved and/or respected. It takes great and true power to do so. Much respect, take care, stay safe, have a wonderful December, and a fantastic Christmas with manny blessings! 😊

P.S. Thank you so so much for your best wishes! I am very grateful to you! Have an excellent time here on HIVE as well and many pleasant and positive experiences in the future here and beyond the blockchain!

I completely agree that showing respect and love, even in difficult situations, requires true strength. It's not always easy, but it's worth striving for. I choose to respond with kindness and understanding if possible. With that we can create more positive and harmonious environment around us.

Thank you for your kind words and I hope you have a wonderful December. It should be filled with joy, love, and blessings. I don't celebrate Christmas but I'm wishing your Christmas will be truly fantastic, and surrounded by loved ones and lots of happiness. Take care and stay safe too! 😊🎄

Very beautiful comment and response indeed! You are very right! Much respect for your mentality, intentions, and actions! Many thanks for your December and Christmas wishes! Many blessings to you and your dear ones as well! 😊🎄

My friend, when I was working I had no time to spare, I retired and I had plenty of time but I was wasting it, you are quite right. What we have left we have to spend it on useful things and live with intensity. My daughter puts a lot of pressure on me and criticizes me when she sees that I waste my time. That's why she suggested me to write and join Hive. Today I am very motivated and now I have no time to spare.
Your posts always teach me something.
Thank you. Regards.

We all probably waste time, although what may be seen as a waste by one person may not be a waste of time for another; it's personal and subjective so it's best for the individual to determine if they're wasting time for themselves rather than others to judge.

That's very correct, oh, so philosophical once again, are we? Downvoting others on no logical grounds is definitely a waste of time, but not for a brute. Revering weapons which hurt other sentient beings is another waste of time, money, and intelligence. But, chances are there was no such thing as intelligence in the first place so that can be erased from the aforementioned. So there's basically nothing to waste from when there wasn't anything in the first place, now is there?

P.S. Describing such things to a hypocritical slime is another tremendous waste of time, but can be excused for the sake of toying around a bit when you're bored (or when you're rightfully trying to make some good points here and there). 🙂

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Oh, come on, only -10%? Getting rusty, are we? I'd expect something like -100% (why are you so pathetic and such a cowardly weakling?). I'd expect more out of you, knowing very well how two-faced, false, and hostile you are here. I am really ambitious to drain all your downvote mana, for real. And so will I. 🙂

You and your acolytes behave in cohort in terms of downvoting, that's very peculiar (as though you'd be part of a sinister sect along with your horrendous master), but either way, very slowly... What takes you so long, you snails? Even snails or tortoises would be quicker than you!